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Found 19 results

  1. Hello all! I am a very ill experienced save editor, so pardon my lack of knowledge. I was looking to see if I could permanently change the weight of a cargo in the job market. I had figured out how to make the weight in the trailer heavier, but this is only after I had taken the job. I was curious if someone knew how (if it is at all possible) to let's say make the cottage cheese cargo type weigh 100 tones instead of however much it weighs now. Thank you, happy trucking! *This is for single player use; I don't intend on clogging up the C-D with a 250T truck.
  2. Hi there is a way to transport the same cargo with my friends on euro truck simulator 2 in online servers?
  3. A Euro Cargo Transportes SA está neste momento a recrutar condutores experientes para se juntar há nossa equipa, caso esteja interessado em fazer parte de uma equipa dinâmica, eficiente e com perfil de liderança, basta preencher o forumulario abaixo indicado. Normas Euro Cargo: Procuramos apenas condutores experientes e responsáveis para se juntar há nossa equipa. Todos os condutores antes de ingressarem na nossa empresa são sujeitos a um teste de condução nas nossas instalações em Frankfurt am Main. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AT8JAxYnTyfB1C4-hciZk-1ynvRYrfKG6jcdmzhtPDE/viewform
  4. Who i can do that? Double Heavy Cargo?
  5. It remains to take the last load, from Bratislava. But he is not there, the game rebooted, the left load was taken away, it is still not there. in other cities it is not there either.
  6. Good Morning, I would like to know which cargoes are better paid. I think there was a VTC web with that list before, but now I can not find any. I would also like to drive with someone if you feel like it. Kind regards
  7. [NL/BE] Hey, Ik heb juist de heavy cargo, special transport en de high power cargo dlc's gekocht maar toen ik op truckersmp een heavy cargo vracht startte (in Linz, de industriële condensator naar Brno) werd ik gekickt van de server (phrobited accessory set detected!(NetTrailer)). Na wat zoeken heb ik ontdekt dat truckersmp zulke vrachten (nog) niet ondersteund. De reden dat ik deze topic ben gestart is omdat ik op YouTube vaak videos zie waar zulke vrachten wel in multi-player worden gedaan (bv.het transporteren van een helikopter, https://youtu.be/Ena25HNo9ew vanaf 3:20 (geen reclame)). Is het mogelijk dat er bepaalde vrachten wel worden ondersteund door truckersmp en zo ja, welke? Alvast bedankt! Met vriendelijke groeten Joren2087 [EN] (translated by Google translate!) Hey, I just bought the heavy cargo, special transport and the high power cargo dlc's, but when I started a heavy cargo truck on truckersmp (in Linz, the industrial capacitor to Brno) I was kicked off the server (phrobited accessory set detected! (NetTrailer )). After some searching I discovered that truckersmp does not (yet) support such cargoes. The reason I started this topic is because on YouTube I often see videos where such loads are done in multi-player (eg transporting a helicopter, https://youtu.be/Ena25HNo9ew from 3:20 (no advertisement)). Is it possible that certain loads are supported by truckersmp and if so, which ones? Thanks, With best regards Joren2087
  8. Hello, I saw here ( https://truckersmp.com/blog/126 ) that I could drive my double trailer outside Scandinavia. But I don't see any cargo available... and this in the entire map Could you help me? Thanks Gabidorak (I don't have the Scandinavia SLC, and sorry for my bad English I am French)
  9. AppleSan


    https://ibb.co/c61FeK https://ibb.co/i0BFeK Doesn't work, help =)
  10. Вчера купил и установил доплнение "Heavy cargo pack@, сразу взял груз (Асфальтоукладчик), никаких проблем не было, ездил себе ездил никому не мешая. Сегодня решил взять локомотив, сразу же система кикает за "invalid accessory set detected.prohibitet accessory in use (nettrailer). Так вот назревает такой вопрос, какие грузы из этого дополнения можно брать в мультиплеере:?
  11. Hello everyone i had a problem, i have this dlc alot time and installed but i dont have a see that cargo's, and what is problem can be?
  12. I want to carry high tons -400 + Heavy Cargo DLC as is it possible? thanks in advance
  13. I saw multiple groups driving at the same time , and they all had same cargo. How can i and my friend get same cargos , so we dont have to search for cargo to same destination for like 1 hour. Do i have to make an organization , if yes , let me know how. Thanks
  14. Just bought the high power cargo pack, now it says i have an unsupported version of the game Do i have to revert the dlc i just bought?
  15. TruckersMP has thought about the possibility of implementing trailers or trucks to open its catalog? With the possibility of opening a window and have more accessories for trucks.
  16. I have joined TruckersMP forum and i need to get use to the enviroment. Doesnt anyone know,why my Cargos are zero? Does it start counting,since now after i created a account in the forum?
  17. I don't have images of this; but how do people get cargoes that carry trucks? I've even seen someone carry a Volvo cargo.? How can I get one of those?
  18. Topic Title: Can't pick up cargo ETS2MP ID: JayBatick (269) URL: / Server Time/ Date: 2015-07-19 19:15:00 How to reproduce: You go to a company that offers jobs (In this case in Brussels) and accept one. Screenshots / Videos: Attached file. The attached file is a bit smaller because the original screenshot was too big (1mb) Thanks in advance and good luck. -JayBatick
  19. Guys, im confused with my jobs. my offer expires is 1000++. i've tried to sleep or travel to garage, but nothing changed. Am i doing or clicking something wrong? help me guys. thanks :(
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