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Veteran Driver VII
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About RandomGuy908

  • Birthday 11/22/1999

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  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Paris

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  1. I want to change the mic button so that when I want to talk I just have to press a button on my steering wheel? Where is the option to do this
  2. Am I the only one that hates the launcher? I have been waiting for 10+mins for the update with wintermod and it is just now almost done

    1. Trucking Gekco

      Trucking Gekco

      Might not be the launchers fault, all it does is take the update from the server and install it. It's the update that's slow, I can update just fine with the new launcher.

  3. @FlyingDutchman I have done both.
  4. I've done that many times.
  5. Alright I see it now but every time I start it this pops up.
  6. So the mod is nowhere after the update. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling countless times and it doesn't show up.
  7. Thanks for the help! MrRandomMan
  8. So I wanna get into the MP mod but don't want to start over. Can I copy my current profile and paste it and use both?
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