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Italian Trucker [ITA]

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  1. How long is the development of new EuroTruck update is gonna take? I bought the DLC at the release date but I didn't wanted to play it offline cause I like to be surrounded by real people when I play, expecially in a time like this where socializing is really important to feel less alone...I bought Iberia DLC and didn't play it yet cause I wanna play it ONLINE, with you guys, so...How long is it gonna take before we are gonna be able to play the new update together? How long is this development of the 1.40 is gonna take? Are you guys working on it?
  2. I think you should activate winter mod now, actually it would be cool if the winter mod would be activated for the whole time of the year, otherwise the "Winter MOD" option selected on the option menu of Truckers MP is useless, there are countries when it snows in august like Australia, New Zealand and all the other countries at south of the equator... we sign the box but nothing still happen. I understand every years there are new DLC maps to add to the winter mod so maybe it's a technical reason, but you should remove the "Winter mod" option from the Option Menu when it's not avaible... However when is gonna be the winter mod avaible? It's already 8 of december....
  3. I will try to apply the Memduh Basgan tutorial and I'll let you know, as i can see as The Imaginative Lad said this have to do with profile economy so I will reset this like memduh said and we will see
  4. Everytime i teleport to somewhere in EuroTruck Simulator 2 MP the game crashes, If I press F7 and then enter the game crash, If i wanna do a quick travel to some of my garage the game crash, if I even just take train or ferry the game crash! I don't know what to do anymore. This is a list of solutions i tryed but failed: 1) Delete savegame folder on documents and create a new profile 2) Unistall the MP mod and re-install it 3) Unistall ETS2 and re-Install it The game actually works well, I can drive, I can do jobs ecc...the only (serious) problem are the teleports, ALL kind of teleports doesn't work! My only luck is that my savegames did not spawned me in UK cause i couldn't able to leave the island neither with ferryboat or train or even quick travel... Can somebody tell me what's goin on? I got American Truck Simulator too and the MP mod works perfect, i can teleport anywhere without problems in the other game...just in ETS2..
  5. Today I registered to the ETS2 MP site and I downloaded the last version of the game, and MP, once logged in the game and started it a message appear saying "connection refused, you are using an invalid client, download again the mod" or something like that, I Did it and reinstalled the mod but nothing, I still get this message, what can I do?
  6. I'm having the same problem, i'm not a "new player" but is past a lot of time since the last time I played, more then 1 year... now I try to back to MP but nothing... it says "connection refused, you are using an invalid client, download the mod again" and I did it but still don't work.. I have the last version of ETS2 and MP... both of them last version but still dont work..
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