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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Trucker15

  1. 'a problem with the cooling system has been detected, please turn off your computer immeadiately and return it for service' *sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AbbieGator


      Clean out your fans. Probably full of dust.

    3. Miles!
    4. Trucker15


      I've cleaned my fans, it was pretty hard cuz it's a laptop. i hope it's fixed

  2. I need 8 more likes to reach 100 likes :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rom_Knight


      when you will go to excellent in the likes?

    3. Trucker15


      nah, it's around 30-40 i think (ty for the likes bdw :))

    4. Rom_Knight


      Lol! a lot of likes lol. Thats hard :/

  3. School starts again tomorrow...

    1. erykmoz


      In germany school starts today, it was terrible... :x

  4. back from vacation, missed ets ;)

    1. Creatured


      and how was it

    2. Trucker15


      great! very nice area!

  5. departing on vacation tomorrow :) i will be online at the forum, not in-game ;)

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