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Severus Snape

Veteran Driver IV
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About Severus Snape

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  1. New series Bad Drivers TruckersMp bad drivers crash compilation! 


  2. so, is it legal to download a save found online 100% complete?
  3. if I download a save file online and it comes with paint jobs, do I get the paint jobs..Would I be illegally downloading the DLCs? Is it illegal to download a save file?
  4. Suggestion Name: Drivers with same destination option Suggestion Description: A way when you are getting a delivery, where it shows you players near you who are going to the same place as you. You can then choose to message them if you want and ask them to go together in a convoy. There should be an option to disable this feature if you don't want people messaging you all the time, or even a feature to enable it, so that it only says you are going to that destination when you want to go with someone else? Any example images: Why should it be added?: I think it would add more functionality to the game
  5. Whenever I try to record game play, it keeps freezing on the start screen. This did not used to happen, it only started when the new Christmas start screen was implemented. Is there a way I can resolve this? Im using AMD Gaming Evolved. Thanks An example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7Hq8awRrAM&feature=youtu.be
  6. Hey, Where do people get different trailers from? I have seen the ones that come with the game but is there any way to use trailers that do not come with the game?
  7. Hi, I have bought scandanavia an dits not available in game, it is just blanked out for me. It is installed through steam, what do I do
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