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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by NeoSpex

  1. We need ADM in Odense

  2. Should I buy a 970 or wait for Pascal?

  3. help me to choose: I5 4670k or i5 4690k

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NeoSpex


      buy why? I hear there's no difference between the 4670K and 4690K

    3. influ


      4690K is better for overclocking. Other than that, there is pretty much no difference.

    4. NeoSpex


      OK. Thanks for the help guys.

  4. The best part about getting a beta key isn't playing the beta, but seeing people who can't.

  5. Remember It's NEVER a good idea to be an early adopter of a new OS, unless all you do on your PC is browse Facebook.

    1. Scar


      We are rebels

  6. Pandora's box has been closed for now...

  7. I forget that I'm in a game that is published by steam.Sorry

    1. FirestarteR93


      ^published by SCS on Steam

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