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Everything posted by Enf099

  1. Hey there @Spectre7734, and welcome to the forums! As I see you're looking for help, I will move your topic to the Help section, where our Support staff will be able to handle your post better, choosing the best responses provided for you. I understand your problem might be related to one game in particular, but if it is Help what you're looking for, it belongs in the Help section. It'd be nice if you take that into account from now on . /Moved to Help.
  2. 你好, 由于你的帖子14天无人回复,我门将你的帖子归档。我们的论坛相对繁忙,我们要求将2周无人讨论的帖子标记等级为低,仅保留那些对我们有帮助的帖子。 如有不解,请联系我。 //锁定并归档
  3. 作者要求删除这篇文章 //锁定并归档
  4. 作者要求删除这篇文章 //锁定并归档
  5. Buenas @dariovelzleon1. Antes de nada, siento que hayas sido baneado por eso, a cualquiera le puede pasar y es una faena. Ahora bien, quisiera hacerte saber que el foro no es el sitio adecuado para apelar un ban, de hecho no está permitido. Como bien ha dicho @Gonzalox, todo lo que tienes que hacer es ir a https://truckersmp.com/appeals y crear la apelación allí, puedes hacerlo en español, si quieres. Si tu apelación es rechazada, puedes usar el sistema de feedback y explicar tu situación ahí. Un Game Manager revisará tu caso detenidamente y decidirá de nuevo si tu ban debe estar o quitártelo. Sin embargo, puedo adelantarte que los bans debidos a errores del teclado no suelen ser levantados, y lo mismo pasa con otras razones como "alguien me habló y me distraje" o "le dejé jugar a un amigo y fue él el que lo hizo", ya que eso no se toma como razón válida para desbanear. En otras palabras, en este caso, se dice que tú eres responsable de tu teclado. De todas maneras, tu ban sólo dura tres días, no hay razones mayores para preocuparse. Esperaré a tu respuesta y después cerraré este post. Si tienes alguna otra pregunta, puedes contactar conmigo enviandome un mensaje privado en el foro ;).
  6. 你好, 由于你的帖子14天无人回复,我门将你的帖子归档。我们的论坛相对繁忙,我们要求将2周无人讨论的帖子标记等级为低,仅保留那些对我们有帮助的帖子。 如有不解,请联系我。 //锁定并归档
  7. 你好, 由于你的帖子14天无人回复,我门将你的帖子归档。我们的论坛相对繁忙,我们要求将2周无人讨论的帖子标记等级为低,仅保留那些对我们有帮助的帖子。 如有不解,请联系我。 //锁定并归档
  8. 你好, 由于你的帖子14天无人回复,我门将你的帖子归档。我们的论坛相对繁忙,我们要求将2周无人讨论的帖子标记等级为低,仅保留那些对我们有帮助的帖子。 如有不解,请联系我。 //锁定并归档
  9. Hi there @bcblackout. Although some responses have been provided to your question, I'm moving your topic to the Help section, where our support staff will be able to handle it better, choosing the best answers for you. From now on, we'd appreciate it if you consider posting any question related to TruckersMP on the Help section, as that's where it belongs, independently of what game it is related to. Thanks, and good luck with your issue /Moved to Help
  10. Hello there. As you're asking a question related to a TMP service, I will move your topic to the Help section. I understand you're talking about one specific game, but if you're looking for support, no matter what game it is, it belongs in the Help section. Support staff will be able to handle your question better if it's there, choosing the best answers given for you. Have a nice day. //Moved to Help.
  11. Hello there @[T.J.B] - EmaGamerYT, welcome to the forum! Even though several responses have already been provided, I've moved your topic to the Help section, where it actually belongs. I understand you are refering to one game in particular and because of that you might have decided to posted it here, but, from now on, please consider that any kind of question or inquire, no matter what game it is refered to, goes to the Help section, where the Support staff will be able to handle it better, choosing the best answers for you. As above, /Moved to Help.
  12. Hi @ilia000000, and welcome to the TruckersMP forum. As it looks like you're looking for help, I will be moving this topic to the russian help section. The russian community and staff members will be able to help you out there. //Moved to Помощь
  13. Hi there Placuszek, and thanks for taking the effort of creating a new suggestion on the forum, it will eventually be reviewed by TruckersMP upper staff. However, I must advise you that your suggestion will most likely be rejected if you don't follow the appropriate format, which you can find here: Please, change it as soon as possible. Thanks in advance! Albert, TruckersMP Community Moderator.
  14. Hi there @Wolus. Even though several responses have been given, I will move your topic to the Help section, as you're asking a question related to the rules, and therefore that's where it belongs. Our Support staff will also be able to deal with it better if it is there. Have a nice day! //Moved from Eurotruck Simulator 2 Discussions to Help.
  15. Take care bud, hope to see you again soon :(

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