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Zomb Lee

Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Zomb Lee

  1. Yeah I keep hearing its ETS 2 Server 2 only, and then also that it will be available in ATS as well. But I haven't seen anything from a staff member. EDIT: I realize I just missed Philip's reply
  2. @littlefoo_t22^ The staff talked about the process briefly. They obviously scrutinize their applicants very thoroughly so that they can have the best admins that will follow rules and the like. From what they expressed, it's a position obtainable only through promotion. You start as a forum moderator (maybe even something else website support related) and work your way up. I'd look there. I was really interested in becoming an in-game admin as well due to the same abundance of free time, especially in the late night hours (about 12am -10am local time for me which is just about Europe's peak times), but the process is pretty difficult and will take a lot of time. I'd maybe suggest PMing a forum moderator to ask for any further specifics and to express your interest, but I also don't want people to spam the mods and admins asking for positions...however they can probably offer you the best guidance on where to start to try to become an IGA.
  3. When I first downgraded I thought I lost my profile. What happens is if ATS/ETS 2 update, and you load your last save on the new updated game and exit, it marks your profile as compatible with only whatever the newest version number of the game is. So when you downgrade the game and try to load your profile, it immediately sees it as incompatible and will crash. For anyone experiencing trouble when loading their profile after downgrading, just look in your documents folder and find the ATS/ETS 2 Subfolder. Inside that folder are backups of all your profiles before the updates. Find your profile (it will be a number/letter string so if you have multiple profiles you will need to play detective...good luck) Simply replace the new profile with this backup version, and once you start your downgraded version of ATS/ETS 2, you should be able to load your last save without anymore errors. Be warned that you might lose recent progress, but it might be better than losing your profile entirely. For me the best bet has been to let ATS/ETS 2 update on steam, but DO NOT start the game after it updates. Instead, just follow the instructions to downgrade the game and let that complete. Whenever you start the game again, since you'll be running the old version, your profile will never have been touched, and you shouldn't have to do the above steps.
  4. Let's see here...how about an example...I live on the West Coast of the United States. I play ETS 2 sometimes as well as ATS. Here's some recent stats to help clarify. Even though I live in the United States, I chose to sign on to the EU1 server... If I sign on to ETS 2 and play on the EU 1 Server my ping is 147m/s...which means myself and those around me sometimes seem to lag, and their trucks will go back and forth...the game is a bit de-synchronized. On my screen players trucks seem to teleport here and there, and I will appear to do the same on the other players' screens. If I sign on to ETS 2 and play on the US 1 Server my ping is 89m/s which means myself and those around me are much closer to being synchronized, meaning that players around me move much more fluidly, there is such a smaller delay in communication between my PC and the server. Players trucks' look to be driving forward and not jittering back and forth, and I appear the same on their screens. Where I live does not restrict what server I play on, but through technological limitations, one server is preferable over the other. So the other servers are there for people seeking to minimize the de-sync between their games, and others' games. Hopefully that simplified it a bit, and made it more clear...I don't know, I could have contributed to making you more confused... I hope I didn't!
  5. Can I just say how much I love this new button, especially as a VTC owner? I was always afraid of hiring a troll or someone looking to cause mischief and I think this new button that displays a drivers' public profile and any past infractions in just great for helping to prevent this. On that note, as trolls do exist everywhere no matter what you do, what happens if you do hire someone for your VTC that decides to go out and break all the rules. I mean, I know it looks incredibly bad for your company and gives it a terrible reputation, but will the entire company be held accountable, or will only the driver who is causing the trouble be held accountable? So far my drivers have all been great folks, but I'd like to know just in case something arises in the future.
  6. I can't understand the guys that want to pass you no matter what. For example, I'll be driving along at 55MPH, and someone will be behind me, and you'll know almost immediately that they are hell bent and determined to pass you if it's the last thing they ever do, despite the fact that they can't go any faster than what I'm already going. How do you know? Because they will continually dart into the passing lane, get frustrated, and dive back in behind your trailer. Then a few minutes later, you'll see them in the passing lane yet again, foot shoved through the floorboard on that accelerator, white-knuckling the wheel. And God forbid if you have a corner coming up. I think I may be the 1% that slows down marginally for corners that I can't take at 55MPH while expecting to stay in my lane. So if you have a sharper corner, here comes trouble because that guy that's wanted to pass you for like the last 15 minutes isn't slowing down. Now he barrels right past you, finally happy that his struggle is complete, only to realize he can't maintain his lane in the corner, he locks the wheel, nearly topples the truck, and swings wide back into your lane, usually far before his trailer has cleared your cab, cutting you up miserably forcing you to evade and slam on the brakes. All so he can say he passed someone. Jesus f***ing Christ! What's worse are the jackasses that don't understand what a double white line means, or those who are so impatient they'd rather cause a head on collision just to get around somebody. The other day in the UK I was on a smaller country road, where I was driving along minding my own business. Suddenly a Volvo is in my lane, I slam on my brakes, honk, and start to evade, the Volvo driver sees me, and cuts back in directly into the long trailer of another unfortunate Volvo he was attempting to pass, wrecking them both and sending the two trucks sailing over my head. It's gotten to the point now where I just slow down and move as far over as I can in my lane to let someone pass me, but about 90% of the time I still get cut off, or they try to pass me in sharp S corners and drift back into my lane causing us both to wreck. Pretty damn sick of it.
  7. Jesus...is it just me or did that guy have like no patience?
  8. That's because people are signing on with the new Christmas Paintjobs DLC which is currently unsupported by the MP mod at the moment. If a user applies a paintjob from that DLC pack to their truck, even if you have the DLC, they will cause you to crash from the game once they come within your TAB range. Also, if you apply the paint pack to your truck and sign on, you will crash others within your vicinity.
  9. True. It is quite the handy-dandy troll weapon.
  10. No need to feel guilty, if you didn't know about it. However you can still play and not crash others, you'll just have to remove any Christmas paints applied to your truck.
  11. I've got over 15% of damage on my Iveco in game right now, and all of it is tire damage, so just driving tends to wear them down. Which makes me wonder at what percentage I should repair/replace my tires.
  12. Thank you for the help guys, but as I mentioned previously Sicco0803 and I have worked out a deal. I guess I should edit the first topic and show it as resolved so I'm not wasting everyone's time. I appreciate everyone who took the time to offer some insight and help! Great community we have here.
  13. I was thinking the exact same thing, in fact, I kept lurking in the news section to see if the topic would crop up. I haven't since checked it this morning, but I'm wondering if maybe they're all just busy working on a fix? Although, that doesn't make sense because I'm pretty sure at least one moderator or administrator doesn't code for the mod...I dunno...
  14. Lol, OMG all those people at the 0:30 second mark that just crashed... Ah well, it'll get support. I wonder if maybe the forum moderators posted notices or something that might slow the issue down a bit. I think the real problem with the Christmas DLC was that it was free so a lot of people ended up picking it up.
  15. This situation has basically devolved into something along the lines of this. Random Player: "Oh Boy! I just got the new Christmas Paint DLC!" *Hurriedly applies paintjob to truck* "I can't wait to show everyone online! I'm gonna go to Rotterdam where everyone is!" *Random Player Signs On* : "Look everyone! Look at how Christmasy my truck is!!! Hey you, parked over there, look!" Parked Player Crashes Out Random Player: "Odd, he must've signed off. So did everyone here...Oh well, there's more people on the road, I'll go drive and show them!" *20 minutes later* Random Player: Man, as soon as I get near someone they just sign off. What gives?! Oh well, I'll just keep on trucking!"
  16. From what I've heard if you have the DLC installed and apply a paintjob to your truck, you will still be able to connect, but the minute you go near someone (the range at which they appear in the TAB key menu) they will crash out of the game. Basically you're just trolling lines of people as you truck along happily at 55 MPH LOL.
  17. That makes sense. Also explains why the devs were able to get the other paintjob DLCs included into the game by just telling the MP client to replace the DLC paint with a standard paint for the truck. All I know is I'd hate to have to program stuff.
  18. No, you're not. It's the people who are signing on with the DLC enabled that are crashing others. In fact, if you had the DLC you might stand a better chance of not crashing, but I doubt that. Sorry if it seemed like I was saying you were at fault, because that was not my intentions.
  19. I had to completely exit steam and restart when I spawned to my garage in Felixstowe. I would get about 5 minutes in and then crash. Rinse and repeat 3 times, gave up and switched to my garage in Bern. Crashed Again. Exited the game, and then it wouldn't even load to menu. The only thing that helped was going close to the Going East DLC area where there are less trucks, after a restart of steam, and I'm still crashing. Rotterdammit should be awful because there's about 200+ trucks at the minimum there at any given time and if any one of those trucks has the new paintjob DLCs applied to it, they'll crash everyone within their view radius.
  20. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! People being considerate? Considerate people are certainly few and far between. But yes, you're most definitely right Dragon. It's an issue with the new DLC that was released today. I had hear rumor that the devs are working on a fix but they can't provide an ETA.
  21. There were synced up in previous releases of the MP client, but this time round they aren't for some reason. I've heard the staff are working on a fix and it might be resolved by the next update, but please don't take it as a for sure thing, this is just what I've read and I haven't seen anything official from a dev.
  22. Aparrently you can sell a garage. I realized the sell button is right above the upgrade button in the picture of the garage. Thanks Carrythxd!
  23. No problem! Yeah, the new paints haven't been added into the MP mod yet, so they are crashing the game and others around the painted truck when users sign on with them activated. It's my understanding that the devs of the MP mod are currently working on a fix, but no ETA has been given for when it will be released. Until then, spread the word so users with the DLC can still enjoy playing on MP!
  24. You wouldn't happen to have the new Christmas DLC installed while online would you?
  25. I could not for the life of me survive online for more than 4 minutes at my garage in Felixstowe. So I gave up and transported myself to my garage in Bern and was finally able to take a job down to Lyon, but now I can't get the MP client to load in game while in Lyon. I think I'll sadly have to remain in SP until they patch in the new paintjobs dlc.
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