Everything posted by T.Rucker
Dear @[T.J.B] - EmaGamerYT, I recommend that you take a read through the TMP-rules regarding save editing of trucks (§3: https://truckersmp.com/rules). It clearly states, that tuning items are only allowed in slots where they can be put by default within the game. Since the position of your lightbar on the roof seems quite a bit modified to where it should be, that setup is not complying with the TMP-rules. Therefore I wouldn't use that setup in TMP as it might get you a ban as a result in case you do.
Sadly there is no way to remove the issue with having no jobs available after logging into the game. I think the issue is that the jobs aren't synced with the time of the server whenever you log into the game, so even creating a new profile won't change anything. All you need to do in order to get yourself new jobs on your list is to make the game synchronize the available contract. That basically happens every time you see the loading screen (when teleporting to a repair center via F7+Enter, sleeping, taking a train/ferry or just quick-travelling to one of your garages). I know it is annoying, but I recommend that you just use the quick-travel function to one of your garages every time you face this issue and you should be able to see some jobs afterwards. An alternative, if you don't mind the forced speed limit, is to take an external (World of Trucks) contract. These are generated on the WoT-server and are available all the time, as long as your profile is linked to a WoT-profile and you have a stable connection to the server...
Dear @Ensar Gencturk, unfortunately it is very hard to understand your exact problem you are dealing with and therefore you can not expect too much useful help. Since the language barrier seems to be causing these issues and it looks like you are a Turkish native speaker, you might want to use the Turkish Support section instead, as you will probably get more helpful replies there: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/233-yardım-destek/. I hope I could help and hopefully you will be able to solve your problem quickly.
I can't make an application for support
T.Rucker replied to [REDDY]DRIVING PRO's question in Unsolved Topics
Hello @ayyappareddy1, you kind of answered your question on your own already: In order to be eligible for applying to join any position in the TMP-staff, you need to have no more than 3 bans in total on your account (no matter how long these bans have expired already). The reason for this is simple: The staff team has to act as a role model for the entire community, therefore it is important that people applying for staff know how to behave and follow the rules. Now if you have a big amount of bans already, it looks like you just don't care about the rules, which is not really the kind of person the TMP-team is looking for. And without intending to offend you, but in fact I think even if you were technically able to apply for a support position, it would have been more than unlikely for you to make it as one of the requirements is being active in the community. But since you have only 2 posts in total, I don't see this requirement being met neither. I am sorry for your situation, but sadly there's nothing to change about that as the requirements for being recruited are pretty straight forward... -
[Community Moderator] @MrCipr joins the Support Team as [Trial Support]. Welcome aboard and good luck with your new rank!
[Trial Support] @[WTLVTC-Manager] Pragaras leaves the support team for personal reasons. Thank you for your efforts and hard work and all the best for your future.
When can Slipstream paint job be supported in ETS2MP
T.Rucker replied to Dovahseod's question in Solved Topics
Dear @Creeper_NoDenial, since there have been a few answers given to your question already: Is your problem solved or do you need any further information? Please let us know or simply mark a best answer by clicking on the little checkmark at the top left of the corresponding post. Thank you. -
T.Rucker replied to Emkou's question in Unsolved Topics
Dear @Emkou, if you have tried all the steps from the list, it is very likely that you have tried to log in with a wrong email address. Either you just registered your TMP-account with a different email or you have a typo in the used email address. Either way, there's not much the community can help you with, please submit a support ticket here about your issue and we will help you as soon as possible: https://support.truckersmp.com/. -
Dear @GaBBaRocKeR, unfortunately I am having issues understanding your exact issue right now - and I think I am not the only one in here facing this problem. Could you please try to describe your issue a bit more detailed? Maybe with a screenshot showing the error message? Also, seeing that you are from Germany, you might be better off posting your issue in the German 'Hilfe' subforums, as you can post in German there and get replies in your native language as well: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/216-hilfe/
Wrong language for the general Help section --> Topic moved to Russian Discussion -> 'помощь'
[Trial Support] @[WTLVTC] ismail [TR] gets a well-deserved promotion to [Full Support] due to his hard work and dedication. Congratulations and good luck with your new rank!
Dear @colbehaddock5, don't worry about it. When you start TMP, the mod manager just won't display any 3rd party mods, but it is not deleting any mods. So they are still located in the mods folder of your game and at the next start of Singleplayer you will have them enabled again. There's just one thing I would like to recommend: Try to create two separated profiles, one for Singleplayer with mods enabled, and one without any used mods for TMP. Because sometimes it can cause issues if you try to connect to TMP with a profile that has used a variety of mods and in the worst case it can break your profile, making you lose all your progress.
Dear @smb3110g, the issue is caused because you need to set your Game Details in your Steam privacy settings public as well since one of the most recent Steam Privacy Policy updates. A detailed guide how to do that is linked in the post above. Once you have performed these steps, the linking of ATS to your account should work without any issues. Please let us know whether you are satisfied with the answers given in this thread or if you need any further help.
Problem with the CB-radio since the X-key isn't working
T.Rucker replied to leconvoyeurdu37's question in Unsolved Topics
Dear @leconvoyeurdu37, unfortunately there is no way to bind the command to talk via CB-radio to another key in the game. Therefore it is not possible to talk via CB while pressing something else than 'X' by default. But why don't you and your friends just use another communication platform, like Discord? You can easily change the push-to-talk settings there and it's pretty straight forward to use. So I would definitely give it a try. -
Dear @tedmozby, thank you for showing interest in joining the Support team. It is only possible to apply for a specific team if the recruitment is open, so you have to wait for the next recruitment period. However, I can tell you straight away that it is more than just unlikely that you will make it into the team with your kind of penalty history. Each Team Leader/Manager handles it differently, but in my opinion the members of the TMP-staff have to be a role-model for the entire community as they represent TruckersMP. I just don't see that being the case with players that have several bans for ramming, reckless driving and similar on their record. Sure you can try to apply for the next recruitment, but I can tell you already that you might want to invest your time somewhere else than on that application. I hope you can understand our reasons for this. Please let us know whether your question has been answered sufficiently or if you need any further information.
[Game Moderator] @[WTLVTC-Manager] Pragaras joins the support team as Trial Support on his own request. Welcome to the team and all the best for your new position.
Since the thread opener seems to have deleted his account by now there is no point in continuing in here. Thank you everyone for your participation though. Topic locked and moved to 'Unsolved'
Dear @TheGamer_500, since you wrote in your initial post that you are experiencing these lag issues in Singleplayer as well, my guess is that it might be caused by the game auto saving your progress. Please open your Windows Explorer and navigate to 'My Documents' -> 'American Truck Simulator' and open the file 'config.cfg' with Notepad. Search for the line 'uset g_save_format' and make sure to place a '0' next to it. Then save the document, restart ATS and check if that solves your issues.
@Dr'Dri rejoins the TMP-staff as Trial Supporter
Wrong language for the general help section -> Topic moved to Russian Discussion -> 'помощь'
I don't have permissions to view a topic
T.Rucker replied to TheLocalMilitia's question in Solved Topics
Question has been answered sufficiently and best answer is marked. Thank you everyone for the participation. Topic locked and moved to 'Solved' -
Best answer has been marked. Let's hope you have learned from your mistake and don't have to be banned again so you don't need to ask again which time zone it is referring to... Topic locked and moved to 'Solved'
Dear @Pie_Fish, to answer your question short and directly: Yes, the system time is referring to the UTC time zone by default. But you can change the used time zone in your account settings on the TMP-website. The link to the guide how to do so can be found above. Please let us know whether you are satisfied with the answers given in this thread or if you need any further information.
in my inventory there are 3 pages of ets2 things?
T.Rucker replied to twix bar's question in Solved Topics
Problem is solved, according to the thread opener. Thank you everyone for your replies, keep up the nice work. Topic locked and moved to 'Solved' -
Best answer has been marked - Thank you everyone for the participation and willingness to help. Topic locked and moved to 'Solved'