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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Drufsen

  1. I feel really dumb for not trying these things, assumed that it wasn't the issue since I can see some caravans. However, I will see if this fixes it. Thank you to everyone for your kind responses. @ThomasDavidO97 @Fr0zR.- [CHILE] @Odia @TTwerty @en_field @Sabbi [GER] @MarkON
  2. Quick question here, is it normal to not find any caravans available when driving a car? -if not: Any fix? BR
  3. ^ Thank you for the idea! I will try it out I have this problem on my Volvo FH16 - 2014 (750hp)
  4. Hello there! When I started to play today, I noticed that my engines sound has changed. I just passed 10.000km on my truck, is this the reason for the new sound? Thanks in advance,
  5. Yes, just as @SpeedySam said, the easiest way to fix this is by sleep at services/hotel or another resting place. A while ago you could also pres f7+enter but this seem to have been removed. You can also drive around to the different companies and take a load directly and hope for that the jobs are back when you have finished the load, but this does not always fix the problem.
  6. Okay, but to be able to create a thread for my company (VTC) i have to have 100 useful posts, how to I know how many I have? Okay, thank you!
  7. Hello there! What is the difference between a normal forum post and a "useful" forum post?
  8. I would not recommend you to take a convoy here because of the busy traffic. just like @Trucking Australia said:
  9. Hi, I updated today and every 10 minutes or so the game crashes and says "An fatal error....." Does anyone else have this problem?
  10. This is odd, i have no idea of what this is . If no one here gives you an answer, you can maybe send an support ticket to the support team . Support ticket creation: https://support.truckersmp.com/index.php?a=add Support webpage: https://support.truckersmp.com/
  11. Yes, I think that it's the case. Follow this link to view server status: https://truckersmp.com/status
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