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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Titanic4

  1. Prawdopodobnie mIałeś włączonego Caps Lock'a podczas logowania, co z kolei spowodowało wyświetlenie się komunkatu o złym haśle. Upewnij się, że Caps Lock jest wyłączony na ekranie logowania.
  2. Data zakończenia bana używa strefy UTC. Zmień strefę czasową na profilu TruckersMP na UTC+2 dla czasu letniego i UTC+1 dla czasu zimowego.
  3. Jakie masz ustawienia klawiszy w grze? Zrób screenshota, gdzie widać trzeci i czwarty bind od góry w zakładce "Klawisze i przyciski" w ustawieniach gry.
  4. There are 2 causes of this issue: - You were doing external World of Trucks job. In that case, there's nothing you can do, other than either completing the job, or by pulling over to safe place, then cancelling the job since the speed limiter is enforced. - You had speed limiter turned on in the gameplay settings. The solution: Go to ESC menu after pulling over to safe place/NCZ area, open Options>>Gameplay>>untick "Speed limit" and/or open TAB>>press cog button>>untick "Speed limiter" in the window, which appears afterwards followed by pressing OK. About the second issue: if you have more than one garage, try to teleport to any other garage than one being in the same city as one you're currently in if you're not doing any job in-game. Resetting the economy might fix the problem as well. The g_force_economy_reset gets automatically reset back to 0 once you reload the game after setting said variable to 1. Afterwards, the game will prompt you that it has detected the changes and it will cancel the job without giving penalty as well as teleporting you to your HQ. The sleep bar is not filling because you have probably disabled the fatique simulation.
  5. TruckersMP nie wspiera systemów 32-bitowych. Musisz zrobić na swoim komputerze upgrade na 64-bitową wersję Windows 7 wraz z doinstalowaniem Service Pack 1(jeśli nie jest zainstalowany).
  6. By móc zagrać w TruckersMP musisz mieć 64-bitowy system. Wiele nowych gier wymaga 64-bitowego systemu, czego dobrym przykładem jest chociażby GTA V, czy Just Cause 3. Gdyby były obie wersje, wówczas MWL4 miałby zbyt dużo roboty robiąc obie wersje bitowe TruckersMP z uwagi na znaczące różnice w kodzie. Każda aktualizacja gry oznaczałaby czasami wiecznie trwające oczekiwanie na aktualizację do TruckersMP. W teorii byłoby to możliwe, gdyby był osobny deweloper w drużynie ogarniający 32-bitową wersję ETS2 i ATS(poprzez betę oznaczoną jako unsupported_32bit), jednakże z uwagi na stale malejącą liczbę użytkowników 32-bitowych, taki scenariusz nigdy nie nastąpi
  7. Firstly opt out of all ETS2 betas. Once Steam updates the game, start the TruckersMP launcher. If there's an update for TruckersMP, you should see the tickbox(-es) for ATS and ETS2 - they depend of which games you've selected during installation and/or whenever the update is for ATSMP and/or ETS2MP part of the mod. The current version as for moment of making this post is
  8. One thing you can do is to use quick travel to one of your garages if you have your own truck in-game.
  9. You may need to adjust the paging file size. There's a chance that the paging file is too small. http://www.online-tech-tips.com/computer-tips/simple-ways-to-increase-your-computers-performace-configuring-the-paging-file/
  10. How much RAM do you have? Try closing programs/tabs in browser, which you don't use at the moment, or upgrade the RAM if your computer allows it.
  11. Also, check the microphone mute switch on the headset(if applicable). Simply set it to the opposite state. Consider checking the microphone volume in the system itself. It might be muted in there as well.
  12. What kind of controller you're using with ETS2? If you're using steering wheel, make sure you've set the correct controller type in the "Controls" tab of the game settings. Excessive steering non-linearity and/or sensitivity may also cause this problem.
  13. What are your binds? Make the screenshot of the "Keys and buttons" menu, so I can check if you have to change anything.
  14. Happy birthday :-) 

  15. Are you sure that you've linked the correct account? The Steam profile linked to your TruckersMP account is different than one shown on the screenshot. In order to get the game linked, you must own the game on the account. Using Family Sharing will not work as the game is owned by different account.
  16. You've got probably kicked for average ping being over 600 miliseconds. The server measures the ping over time and if player's average ping from few measurements is over 600 ms, then the player gets kicked automatically.
  17. Welcome back, mate. :)

  18. Titanic4

    Problem z DFGT

    Ze screenshota, który podałeś wynika z tego, że masz przypisany hamulec i gaz do pedału przyspieszenia. Przypisz oś hamowania do hamulca(lewy pedał).
  19. Titanic4

    Problem z DFGT

    Pokaż screenshot ustawień osi pedałów w zakładce "Kontrolery" w opcjach gry.
  20. Titanic4


    Można też wykonać tzw. nagrywanie buforowane - program nie zapisze zawartości bufora dopóki nie wciśniesz klawisza/skrótu klawiszowego, który ową zawartość zapisze w postaci pliku wideo. W ten sposób możesz nagrać całe zdarzenie, by potem zapisać je do pliku jednym wciśnięciem.
  21. Titanic4


    Przy zgłaszaniu gracza pamiętaj by użyć filmu z całej sytuacji jako dowód w raporcie.
  22. Przejdź do Start > Uruchom i w oknie, które się wyświetli wpisz "taskkill /im eurotrucks2.exe /f". Jeśli to nie pomoże, wykonaj poprzednie czynności, jednakże zamiast eurotrucks2.exe wpisz amtrucks.exe. Jeśli nawet to nie pomoże, uruchom ponownie system.
  23. TruckersMP doesn't support 32-bit systems anymore. You must have at least 64-bit Windows 7 with SP1 installed in order to play TruckersMP.
  24. Titanic4

    About reports

    The main reason is when you use file hosting site as the image hosting website, the admin, who'll claim the report may have to download the image manually. Some file hosting sites will use their proprietary downloaders instead of the browser to get the files from the site, which may give all kinds of unwanted software. Also, in some cases screenshot is not sufficient for the specific offence. For instance, you must use video evidence for ramming, the screenshot is not enough as it mostly shows only the aftermath of the collision. You can use Imgur for the screenshots. You don't have to get the account on the site, but if you have it, any image you upload on your account will be available for way longer time than when you upload as guest.
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