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Veteran Driver
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Alonzy last won the day on January 8 2024

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About Alonzy

  • Birthday 01/15/2005

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Istanbul / Turkey
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Lille
  • Known languages
    English and Turkish

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  1. Happy Birthday! ❤️

  2. Dear TruckersMP Team, I truly appreciate your efforts to improve the player experience in TruckersMP. However, I would like to suggest a feature that could address an issue we occasionally encounter in the game. Sometimes, players use the CB radio to play loud music, make troll noises, or otherwise disrupt the gameplay experience. Currently, the only way to mute such players is by pressing the TAB key, opening the player panel, and manually muting them. This process can be cumbersome and dangerous, especially while driving. To address this, I propose adding simple chat commands to allow players to mute or unmute others more easily. For example: /mute [ID]: To mute a specific player. /unmute [ID]: To unmute a previously muted player. These commands would enable players to respond quickly and safely to disruptive behavior, significantly improving the overall gaming experience. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to seeing this suggestion being evaluated. Best regards, Alonzy
  3. In 1.52, texture textures changed in the interface
  4. . Thank you for your feedback, I will make the necessary arrangements
  5. Hello TruckersMP Community, I will tell and show you how you can add your own country flag to your license plates in Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS 2). If you want to customize your game and add a special touch to your license plates, this guide can help you! How to do it. In Euro Truck Simulator 2 > profiles, save your profile in quicksave/whatever > > > save > game.sii file with "SII_Decrypt". Access your vehicle's code file and navigate to the license plate “license_plate” section. In the XXX section of this code, enter which country's flag you would like to see on your license plate. "<margin=-25><img src=/material/ui/white.mat xscale=stretch yscale=stretch color=FF000000><ret> ALONZY<img src=/material/ui/flags/XXX.mat color=FFFFFFFF width=170 height=62> ALONZY|turkey" For example, for America "<margin=-25><img src=/material/ui/white.mat xscale=stretch yscale=stretch color=FF000000><ret> ALONZY<img src=/material/ui/flags/usa.mat color=FFFFFFFF width=170 height=62> ALONZY|turkey" You can place the code you have prepared in your existing tool and use it. Watch the video to learn how to customize your license plates in more detail and make your ETS 2 experience more personal. You can access the video from the link below: Flags: I look forward to your comments and feedback! Stay tuned for more content and guides! Happy gaming and driving! Note: If you need more information on this topic or have any other suggestions, please feel free to comment below this topic.
  6. Thanks For Follow

  7. very good
  8. Happy birthday 

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