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The Grouchy Yorkshireman

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About The Grouchy Yorkshireman

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    United Kingdom: Dover

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    LMAO Brown Trouser Moment 

  2. Opinions On Silly Parking On Quarry Road

    1. L-DR@GO


      You can just type on chat or radio them ..

      Not to park there 

      Well, they will definitely get kicked.


  3. ill just leave this here some ov you mite like it a few pre famous  faces in it . reminds me ov TMP drivers LOL


    1. TACCCOO
    2. The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      TACCCOO just watch the film lol


  4.  BAD  When U can NOT park Up On Side Ov The Road

    1. 'MaRtY


      Hahaha he immediately alt+f4:LUL: 

      My blud thinks he is ghost

    2. The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      Baffles me when they do that LOL I think They Think They Wont Be Caught  LMFHO


    1. L-DR@GO




    2. The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      Yes was a bit ov a shock with it being dark i didnt see his trailer come on 2 my side on the road hence the crash LOL

  6. ALL opinions Plz lol

    1. TimeTimes


      Imo, he came in way too fast and could have easily waited a second for you to clear the bridge.

    2. The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      Yep i know  he was stopped b4 i got on the bridge so HE knew i was coming over 

  7.  Nice Lag

    1. david12567


      I think it’s you because we see you climb to 150 ms 👀


    2. The Grouchy Yorkshireman

    when a Admin Laggs LOL

    1. TimeTimes


      Making sure you're awake

    2. The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      lmao i nearly pooped lol


    Just t say i did NOT swear over cb check bottem right when im speaking LOL

    1. L-DR@GO


      Bro calm down 🤣🤣

    2. The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      IT annoys me lad especially when the get away with it  

  10.  Dont U Just Love It When They Stop In The Middle Ov The Road LOL NOT eze t stop these HCTs 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Grouchy Yorkshireman
    3. Fezz


      There was plenty of room there, you could have fit a bus between that gap :troll:

    4. The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      The Grouchy Yorkshireman

      🤣 Ok sweetpea i beg t diffa  i just saw him n thort O Shit i had 45 ton ov logs on the back

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