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Veteran Driver II
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About LovelyPiggy

  • Birthday December 16

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    North Macedonia
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf

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  1. I found TruckersMP via Tony 747's videos in like 2020 and I bought game in 2021.
  2. Yes, I agree with this. Since we could not attach any trailer to the bus, it would be useful to be able to type the /fix command without a trailer.
  3. It would be nice. If the variety of vehicles that people can use increases, the number of people playing the game will also increase. If this bus is exclusive to Patreon members, the number of Patreon buyers will increase and the players will be happy. In short, both TruckersMP and the players will win.
  4. Aaaa domuz efendisi 

  5. Without obtaining a license for the vehicles. It can be brought directly from SCS' vehicles. Just like alternating cars that change monthly.
  6. Hello Everyone! I have a few new suggestions for TruckersMP. 1 - Solution to Ban Evading: As everyone knows, most players have dozens of accounts and they don't have ban fears. Even the anti-ban evading feature that TruckersMP has brought recently is insufficient. As a solution to this, I have a suggestion: The TruckersMP launcher will record whether we are banned in the game in a separate folder, from which accounts and IP addresses we enter. No one will be allowed to change these files. Just like some untouchable Windows files. This way the game will never allow you to enter from another account. 2 - New Vehicles: Players get bored of constantly driving trucks or cars (like me). That's why TruckersMP should bring new pickup trucks to the game. A pickup truck just like this one: https://ibb.co/DV5DJK9 Maybe later, a non-electric diesel bus can be brought in the future. Because it is very boring to drive a bus that does not sound and does not shift. Maybe there are other brands of cars besides Scout. But we want another type of car or pickup truck. If this suggestion is true, you can win many players. In addition, if you make these new future pickup trucks or buses for boss users, you can earn more income and the players will have fun. 3 - Changeable Chat, Voice Chat Buttons: Sometimes, while editing the game buttons, I cannot edit that button because it coincides with the chat button. I can't change the game keys because almost every key has a different feature. If I change one it will conflict with the other and I'll have to change them all. That's why the chat and voice chat buttons in the game need to be changed. Players should be able to assign any key they want from the TAB menu.
  7. Congrats! Myriαnnα. I wish you success ❤️

  8. You do not need to ban them. Because if anyone going over 110 Km/h in EU1. Maybe he sliding from a ramp or maybe he was bugged and flied by going 400.000+ Km/h. They are unjustly banned. So the kick is enough. If they're already kicked, they can't drive with the speed cheat. I do not have any idea for NCZ or other hacks.
  9. Suggestion Name: TruckersMP Anti-Speed Hack Suggestion Suggestion Description: The Anti-Speed Hack System will kick the player who goes over 5-10 Seconds +110 Km/h. Any example images: I do not have any photos yet. Why should it be added?: This suggestion can prevent speed hackers.
  10. Thank you for the follow! ? 

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