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Madmex NL

Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Madmex NL

  1. Thanks m8t, True when I start ets2mp I use the shortcut from desktop and then he make the connection with steam and then start the game in 32bit. and Now I have try it what you say first start steam and then I have used the shortcut and yes no it start directly in 64bit pfffff thanks TheUnknownNO and also thanks to everybody who has give there answer.
  2. When I start ets2mp then its start up as 32bit, when I close the game and start again ets2mp then it start up as 64bit. So why is it not starting right away as 64bit.
  3. I also notice that some people who are passing an slower truck not always waiting till they have passed the slower truck but when they think they have done that they are going to the right ore left and then ramming the slower truck with the back off there trailer. I always flash 2 times with the lights so he knows he has passed me.
  4. I Had the same problem when I play the game with 32 bit now I play the game with 64 bit and I have no problem and also the game is running better and faster.
  5. Hello what can we do about some people who think they can race on the Multiplayer map and ram other people. We who like to drive normal on the map and follow also the stop lights and speed rules can always pay for the damage on the truck what other people have cased.
  6. Ok in single player I see now the mods, only in mp I don't see the mods when I put the mods in G-Program Files-TruckersMP-data-ats-mods and when I start the mp with mods in the mods folder then the game is crashed.
  7. Yes I had the same prob, You need to go to sleep and then when you wake up then the freight market has lot of jobs.
  8. Hello, I have bought ATS and installed and everything is just working fine, Only when I have put some mods in mod folder from ATS then when I use the mod manager then its empty. how is that possible.
  9. Well I have done that and now I get this message.: Could not inject dll into the game precess ( error code 8) Please try launching the game again.If this problem still occurs, please try reinstalling the mod. done that and nothing helpt. I cannot start and plat ETS2mp
  10. When I try to play ets2mp then it say I cannot start because off missing steam_api.dll on my pc. I have ETS2 on cd installed on pc and activated also on steam, when I play singelplayer I start in steam.
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