Status Replies posted by mth.
heyy since i made that suggestion a feature like i wanted was enabled where you hit the win keyand V so you can pin messages to that feature and then paste them without having to alt tab its the clipboard being allowed to work with tmp i use that since it was enabled i only have 1 monitor so alt tab copy paste wasnt workable im not the only 1 monitor player which is why i suggested it but then the chat got an update
was this update Introducing Unicode Emoji & IME Chat Support! - News Archive - TruckersMP Forum so it does exactly what i wanted-
Hey Brit, thanks for the follow I'm actually learning something here! This was definitely made possible at the same time we started to support emojis (Win Key + .)
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Lovely photos, thanks!
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In the lovely sunset with my homies @itsPeanutttt @mth. @Truckerdan_TMP
Congrats @.Aruna. & @Maxi. & @mth. and @ChrisPatrol