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Veteran Driver II
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About xLucky13Britx

  • Birthday 03/24/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hull , United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Gaming, Singing, Art, streaming making content
  • Preferred Trucks
    Freightliner Cascadia®
    Western Star
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Diego
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Grimsby
  • Known languages

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  1. pineapple ruins pizza even ruins pineapple itself nope absolutely doesnt belong on a p[izza @Cal_
  2. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! ewww
  3. awwww will miss seeing you as a GM sad to see you go 😞 

  4. it was non colission last time we had a winterland due to this issue so i can 2nd this suggestion
  5. heyyyyy Ata 🙂 congrats on report moderator 🙂

  6. HEYYYY SY ❤️ how you been 

    1. xLucky13Britx


      im leading the At the mile convoy if it gets approved 

    2. Syllemylle


      Ayy Ello Britx !<3 

    3. xLucky13Britx


      how are you doing Sy

  7. heyy since i made that suggestion a feature like i wanted was enabled where you hit the win keyand V so you can pin messages to that feature and then paste them without having to alt tab its the clipboard being allowed to work with tmp i use that since it was enabled i only have 1 monitor so alt tab copy paste wasnt workable im not the only 1 monitor player which is why i suggested it but then the chat got an update 

    was this update Introducing Unicode Emoji & IME Chat Support! - News Archive - TruckersMP Forum  so it does exactly what i wanted 

    1. mth.


      Hey Brit, thanks for the follow 😄 I'm actually learning something here! This was definitely made possible at the same time we started to support emojis (Win Key + .)

    2. xLucky13Britx
    3. xLucky13Britx


      absolutely love the chat/emoji support via win + v key aslong as ive copied pasted something into the chat before i can pin it for future use 🙂 and re grab whenever you lose the stored recent history of that message 🙂

  8. i put the taxi skin on mine in ats and the race splitter this is super cool
  9. miss seeing you around hope your ok shift

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