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Veteran Driver IV
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About kevinboyxx12

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  1. Hello, Probably your ports are blocking the ports that the servers use, to simplify open this set your NAT Type on open, (search on google how to do it, as it is different for every single provider) Goodluck!
  2. @740GL Those are just bugs/mistakes in the game, every game has such bugs, look at gta5 where u can jump trough the floor if u do it correctly, This has nothing to do with the realism of the game, it is and stays a game, and in a game. There is bugs. On topic: I like the idea, altough it would remove some of the realism tho, any truck driver should just keep safe distance. I prefer that it would better if it shows their ping to avoid crashing onto them when they have a high ping, but that is just my idea, Thanks for the suggestion tho!
  3. Alrighty, what you can do is uninstall the Steam version and try to reinstall that one, try to disable your firewall, cus it may be blocking it.
  4. Do you have your game connected to steam? And are you using the Multiplayer launcher? Try to verify game cache in steam.
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