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Game Moderator
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by The_N1ghtRidr

  1. Its not a delivery event there is no limit feel free to drive around the play area and do deliveries if you like.
  2. Happy Birthday bhai 

  3. Bourbon Biscuit yumm
  4. It would be a good game because 2 of the spain players are suspended so would be good to see how they handle it vs Mbappe
  5. Hello Guys, Who do you think will win the EURO 2024 football cup. I am going to go for Spain as they are the team to beat this time. Let me know what you think.
  6. Welcome to the team and good luck 

  7. Welcome to the team and good luck.

  8. Thanks for the follow ❤️

  9. Thanks for the follow and Congrats ❤️

  10. Welcome to the Team and enjoy your training ❤️

  11. Congrats

    1. Aspеct


      Thanks, congrats as well ❤️


  12. Congrats and Welcome ❤️


  13. There are many players on a dedicated server. I understand that they cant be everywhere hence TMP has In Game and Web reports so that if something has been missed, they will be punished through web reports.
  14. Access to a few drivable vehicles for event staff if possible like a crane or vans etc. Would be good to show players for Real operations conducted by VTC's on event servers.
  15. Happy Birthday JD CSG ❤️

  16. Happy Birthday @Truckerdan_TMP .  Enjoy ! Quack. 

  17. Happy Birthday Super !! Enjoy .

  18. Thanks for the follow <3.

  19. Just seen a new update on the website report system. It now says Banned by Game moderator and doesn't show the name of the person. So now you don't know who has banned the person lol.
  20. Nice Survey like the questions for Patron users.
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