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Veteran Driver III
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Status Updates posted by Raymond_97

  1. Hope everyone doing good ❤️



    1. Poyraz


      Nice photo 🙂 

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Great photo and Volvo 🥰❤️:HaulieLove: im good, hope you are too :HaulieLove:

  2. hey tnx for wonderful convoy management @Frank hughesspacer.png

    1. Frank hughes

      Frank hughes

      Hello sorry for no reply I have been really busy. 


      Thank you for the awesome message 


      Yeah I try to get convoy management to the best as I can to become successful in the truckersmp community ?



      I am also glad that you enjoyed the convoy/event hope to see you at the next one's. ??

  3. Happy Birthday my dear friends, may the bright colors paint your life and you be happy forever . Stay blessed  ❤️

    1. [GökBörü] Berk

      [GökBörü] Berk

      Thank you my brother!  

  4.  ConsecGroup community  special  Convoy ets2_20210829_022338_00.png?width=894&hespacer.pngspacer.png

    1. .Pedro.


      Nice photo! 869769967183204422.png?v=1

    2. Poyraz


      Nice squares ? 

  5. Tnx for the follow (rec) ❤️ 

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