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Knight of the Night

Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Knight of the Night

  • Birthday 11/13/2007

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Azerbaijan, Baku
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
  • Known languages
    English, Turkish, Azerbaijan, German

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2884 profile views

Knight of the Night's Achievements


Rookie (2/13)

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  • One Year On

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  1. My exams are finished. So I can play more TruckersMP. YAY! 🥳🥳

  2. Hello! Have your recruitment applications been accepted or not yet reviewed? My application has not been reviewed

    1. Wesjet


      They will reply to you when they get to it 😀

  3. Dear my followers,

    Add-On Team recruitment is open. Do not forget apply if you want. Good luck

  4. Happy birthday!

    1. Sinyordess.


      Thank you very much 🥰

    2. Knight of the Night
  5. Hello! Have your recruitment applications been accepted or not yet reviewed?

  6. I am very excited. Will I be a Report Moderator?

  7. How many hours have you played Euro Truck Simulator 2 in your Steam library?

  8. Have you received any bans this month?

  9. What's your mood?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Knight of the Night

      Knight of the Night

      I hope you will be happy soon

    3. Sinyordess.


      thank u broo have good day 😇

    4. Knight of the Night

      Knight of the Night

      Thank you. Have a good day

  10. Guys, I completed the application. I hope the one who deserves wins. Good night everyone

  11. Dear my followers, 


    I am going to apply GM. I hope whoever deserves it wins. Good luck everyone.

  12. I think I'll be GM this time. I'm confident

    1. I am Faridh ~

      I am Faridh ~

      I'll apply too, good luck bro :HaulieLove:,

    2. Knight of the Night
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