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Veteran Driver III
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Posts posted by cнιcнι_TMP

  1. Hola @Eduardo!


    Gracias por compartirnos tu pregunta,


    Primero que todo quiero comenzar con que este no es el lugar indicado para hacer las preguntas, para la próxima vez utiliza este link:




    Ahora respondiendo tu pregunta, aun no se sabe cuando estará la nieve en TruckesMP, solo queda esperar hasta que llegue el día en el que este.


    Un saludo,




  2. Hello @Chevy_Silverado_1500

    Thanks for sharing your problem with us,

    For this you must download the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 program, here I will leave you the link and a video where you just have to follow the steps:






    Also make sure to keep Windows up to date.


    I hope I can help you with your problem and have a nice Christmas.


    • Like 1
  3. Olá a todos!

    esta é uma mensagem feita por Nameless GhouI:


    O TruckersMP está ciente do erro 403 e os desenvolvedores estão trabalhando para corrigi-lo o mais rápido possível. Por favor, não envie spam para nossos serviços.


    Para saber mais sobre os arranjos feitos, acesse este link:




    uma saudação,

  4. Hello @davidh1973


    Thanks for sharing your problem with us and welcome to the TruckersMP forum,

    Here I will leave you a link where it will take you to a guide of steps to solve your problem:



    I hope I can help you with your problem,

    a greeting

  5. Hello @tropicflite

    thanks for sharing your problem,

    Normally in this type of case you can use the F7, which would transport you to a nearby workshop [with this you don't lose the load], or simply wait for the other person to leave the point.

    Also remember that in some stations the [NO COLLISION] is activated.

    Let's hope that other players also provide their answers.

    I hope I can help you with your problem.

    a greeting,

  6. Hello @Yasteni

    thanks for sharing your problem,


    If you try to use a new profile, your problem will be solved, after opening the game in TruckersMP, you can modding again at 1.39, but, if you try to use your 1.38 profile at 1.39 sadly you will not be able to play and you will see a Game crash error.


    I hope I can help you with your problem.


  7. Salut @DragonAlpha56[YTB]


    Merci d'avoir partagé votre question.


    Voici un lien où vous pouvez voir votre problème, il vous suffit de faire défiler un peu vers le bas et vous verrez où il est dit [Unable to go faster than 90km/h or 110km/h]:



    J'espère pouvoir vous aider avec votre problème.



  8. Hello @[VIVA] KillaQuito

    Thanks for sharing your problem with us,

    This error is due to the interior of the cabin you want to use.

    This bug has been officially confirmed and the development team should be reviewing it.
    For now the only solution is to change the interior of the Volvo or vehicle you are using.

    Here is the link where you will see the information:



  9. hello @Yauso_Ki

    thanks for sharing your problem,

    If you are trying to enter the multiplayer mode, you must select the option [EXIT ALL BETA PROGRAMS], with this you can access to play in multiplayer mode without any problem.


    Here I will leave you the link where you can more easily fix this error using the version I recommend before this:



    Hope I can help you with your problem.

    a greeting,

  10. hello @ROLF_[IN]


    Thanks for sharing your problem with us,


    This is an error that is being reviewed by the developers, which only remains to wait for it to be fixed.


    You should not worry, this happens to all players.


    You can check the adjustments and arrangements that are given with this link:




    I hope I can help you with your problem.


    a greeting,


  11. Hello @KevStyle_NL

    Thanks for sharing your problem with us,

    This error is due to the interior of the cabin you want to use.

    This bug has been officially confirmed and the development team should be reviewing it.
    For now the only solution is to change the interior of the Volvo or vehicle you are using.

    Here is the link where you will see the information:



  12. Hola @exizz_man


    Gracias por compartirnos tu pregunta,


    Actualmente Discord cuenta con la sección de VTC-advertisement [anuncio de VTC] en donde todos los dueños de VTC [de todos los idiomas] promocionan sus empresas.


    Es el único lugar en el discord de TruckersMP en donde puedes publicar tu VTC.?


    Espero poder ayudarte con tu pregunta y suerte con tu empresa.


    Un saludo,


    • Like 1
  13. Hello @Tommy-_


    thanks for sharing your problem,

    Once you have the SII_Decrypt in your profile to use the codes, you must drag the Game folder to the SII_Decrypt,

    Then I will leave you some images where you will see how it should come out:





    Anyway, I'll leave you the link where you can download the SII_Decrypt again in case it still doesn't work:



    I hope I can help you with your problem,


  14. hola @Ugarte71


    gracias por compartirnos tu pregunta,


    si revisas las Reglas del juego, link de las reglas: Reglas de TruckersMP, no veras un formato en donde diga que serás baneado por tener lag.


    Por otra parte y por lo que tengo entendido, serás pateado del servidor.


    También tengo que recordarte que el moderador del juego es el que toma la decisión final de si banear o patear al jugador.


    espero poder ayudarte con tu pregunta.


    Un saludo,



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