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About BlecKent

  • Birthday 10/14/1998

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  • American Garage Location
    California: Sacramento
  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Milano

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  1. @PalaidunasYou can write here, doing a topic http://forum.scssoft.com/
  2. @PalaidunasHi, I think the GPS thing depends about SCS Software not TruckersMp!
  3. @ShawTekk When your game crashes, what does it say?
  4. @DoubleOHi, please go here www.speedtest.net and check your internet connection let know what you have. Also, did you check what ping (ms) you have in game pressing tab?
  5. @ShawTekkOK try to reinstall the game and don't forget to unistall the TruckersMp mod! Just try SP if it crash or not! Let me know!
  6. @ShawTekk Weird also in SP. Have you installed some mods or similiar? Have you the requirements for the game? If you have mods installed delete them. If you have the requirements try reinstall the game! Disinstall the TruckersMp mod! And just try play with SP!
  7. @ShawTekk Maybe you should reinstall the mod and see what happen then! Download link: http://truckersmp.com/en_US/download
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