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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by v8Smokin

  1. 4 hours ago, Arronax said:

    Too many cheaters on that road. Admins relaxing? Yesterday i got flipped around 5 times, lol. And nobody ban or kick them.


    Retired GM myself, you have to remember that GM's have a lot of other things going on and may miss things from time to time.

    They literally cannot be in one place at all times, best thing you can do is record if you can and make a report here: Reports

  2. Hello,


    Firstly, let me just say Thank you for taking the time to review my Topic.


    I have been thinking for a while now as to why there isn't such rank for "Premium".

    This would be a purchasable membership, (Monthly/Annually) subscription available to all Members.


    Suggestions as to what could be available for those that purchase.


    • Premium Username Colour
    • Premium User Title & Banner
    • Extended amount of Inbox storage
    • Symbol next to their name In-Game
    • Access to Premium Discord Channels
    • Extra VTC Topic Options (Title Colours)
    • Option to Open/Close own VTC/Tool Topics


    This could be a recurring Membership or it could also be a one off with lifetime access.

    I believe that with the current state and future of TruckersMP, a Premium Membership would be a very nice addtion to this Project.


    The payments received through this Membership would also provide further support to the future of TruckersMP and it's possible featues.


    Important: Each and everyone of you are open to your own opinions. This could be a Membership that is built around the suggestions of others and the TruckersMP Team.











    • Like 2
    • Upvote 3
    • Confused 3
  3. @Potions


    The CPU that you're uing should be able to reach at least 45 to 55FPS.

    I remember having the AMD A6 6400K well optomized and that managed to run ETS2 at  30 to 45FPS.


    Old Specs:

    (MB) Gigabyte

    (CPU) AMD A6 6400K


    (RAM) 16GB DDR3 1600MHz


    (PSU) 500W - Cant remember which brand.


    Remember to disable any performances that are not needed whilst running your Games.

    This procedure should always be run, no matter what system you're using.


    I would suggest checking your CPU for core damage and optimizing it if you haven't done so already.


    Best Regards,

    TruckersMP Support


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