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[SL] Roko

Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by [SL] Roko

  1. Thanks for the update. I think that makes a lot of difference, especially that you can open the map while driving. Another good step would be for me and think times for many other users that you can not close the game must to change the server or reconnect. Is that even possible?
  2. I don’t understand the question. I mean, if you just want to drive with your friends and maybe AI traffic, then don’t start the TMP launcher but ETS2 in the single player and start a “Convoi” session. Think that’s also the “reason” why there is no such symbol on TMP, because it just doesn’t make sense there.
  3. https://postimg.cc/LJ81BVjz https://postimg.cc/XXgk0LcC
  4. If you’d read the TMP team’s posts more closely, instead of just flying over them, you’d know that we’re working on it. As the developers explained (at least one of them). they still have a real life and do it voluntarily and in their free time. As I know there are still too few developers, you just have to be patient instead of drawing on TMP every time! You still have to keep in mind that TMP is a modification and the game ETS2 was not intended for a multiplayer mode. You can protect the ProMods-team just as well. I have often heard or read similar complaints from the ProMods team as from the TMP-team. Here too it says: It is a modification of ETS2. And all in one, it’s normal when 3 communities meet that there may be problems, errors, or longer waiting times. The TMP team is doing the volunteer job as always well and they will certainly do everything they can so that we can experience fun and joy together in the multiplayer. I hope you understand this slowly because I mean this can’t go on. Simply wait, downgrade and wait for everything without getting upset even if you may be frustrated. ;) And in case there’s someone who’s so annoyed that he has to go through teams badly. Do it better first!;) Greetings and thanks TMP team Roko ***Full anticipation on the game version 1. 39, on the ProMods 2. 51 / 2. 52 and on the Iberia DLC!***
  5. Hello @mwl4 and team of TMP, first I'm really happy to be able to use the multiplayer. Without the multiplayer, the Euro Truck Simulator 2 would be much more boring and lonely in some parts. I would even argue that without the multiplayer, the ETS2 community would be much smaller than it is now. So thank you very much for that! next, I think it's really good that they're trying to explain to us what kind of problems, their causes, and why a solution takes longer or shorter than usual. So you can perhaps understand it a little better while you sit as a player on (in Germany you say:) "Hot Coal." I'm honestly sometimes someone who complains about the multiplayer because something doesn't work or doesn't work or so. But I think everybody does. When you think about who or what is behind it, you see the whole thing much less critical than before. In the end, all I have to say is that they don’t let anyone put pressure on them because my motto is always: Better to wait longer and little to no mistakes than no waiting time and heaps of mistakes. In addition, I have great respect for the entire TMP team but a little more respect I devote to the developers of TMP. Greetings Roko (This post has been independently translated with a tool other than Google Translator.)
  6. Hallo, ich hoffe ihr seit gesund. ^^ da ich der Englischen Sprache nicht mächtig bin, hoffe ich des mir trotzdem vielleicht wer helfen kann. Und zwar habe ich folgendes Problem. Ich benutze wie die meisten in ETS2 das Programm Virtual Spediteur um mir Frachten zu disponieren. Dieses Programm arbeitet mit meinem "Quicksave" / Schnellspeicher Ordner zusammen. Ich weiß nicht genau warum und weshalb, bzw ob es an ETS, TMP oder der neuen ProMods Version liegt, aber seitdem die ProMods Version 2.45 erschienen ist, kann ich zwar einen Schnellspeicherpunkt mit der Taste "Rollen" im Spiel erstellen, aber sobald ich diese Lade (Egal ob ich sie direkt lade oder erst nachdem ich eine Tour mit Virtual Speditor erstellt habe.) Habe ich ein langes Standbild, und nach einiger Zeit warten, bekomme ich die Meldung "Unreable connection" und das Bild wird schwarz. Dazu kommt noch des ich ein Game Crash fenster aufgemacht bekomme. Starte ich danach das Spiel und gehe wieder auf den ProMods-Server. Dann lädt das spiel ungewöhlich lange, als würde ich zum ersten mal ProMods im Multiplayer spielen und ich bin dann an dem Speicherpunkt der sich vor der Schnellspeicherung befand. Und das ist ein ewiger Kreislauf, lade ich ihn wieder, wieder Standbild etc. Ich muss dazu sagen des es komischerweise nur auf dem ProMods Servern auftritt, und im Singleplayer mit den ProMods. Singleplayer ohne ProMods oder auf den normalen Simulations Servern vom Multiplayer klappt alles reibungslos wie vorher auch. Dazu kommt noch das ich nicht der einzige mit diesem Problem bin. In unserer Virtuellen Spedition hat jeder das gleiche Problem. Ich weiß nicht ob ein sehr guter und enger Kontakt diesbezüglich mit dem ProMods-Team besteht, also habe ich diesen Text auch dort im Forum reingeschrieben. Ich hoffe mir bzw. vielen anderen kann geholfen werden mit dem Problem. LG Roko
  7. Hello ^^
    have a question for you. I have a problem with the savegame rules. Could you give me a hand with this? I'm not sure what's right, because everyone says otherwise. ^^ 




    P.s.: My English is not so good ^^

    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Hello there ?

      Hope you are doing well today.

      If you have any questions regarding save edit, you can write me a PM on the forum.




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