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Veteran Driver VII
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About Sala296

  • Birthday 06/29/2000

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    Greater London, England, UK
  • Interests
    Video Games, General Technology, Web Development, Python and Android App Development.
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    United Kingdom: London
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  1. Someone help at duisburg on EU2,


    This guys been blocking for like 45 minutes straight and no admin has done anything

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      I know it is frustrating but you gotta have one thing in mind, Sala: Even if there is one or more IGAs online, they are most likely busy answering to literally hundreds of in-game reports that were sent before yours. It wouldn't be so bad if over 90% of the players on EU2 didn't choose to ONLY drive back and forth between Calais and Duisburg all day. It's as if ETS2's map is extremely tiny and that is the only area available to play on. Absurdly hypocritical when later on, these same people complain that ATS's map is small.

    3. Sala296


      I just assumed that since there were well over 200 people stuck behind these two players for over an hour, that it would have been noticed by the IGA's. I haven't seen a pile up as hectic as that since europoort days. Like I understand completely and sympathise with the IGA's there's a lot to deal with, but with the vast amount of people that were stuck behind these guys, I just thought it would have been noticed.

    4. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      That's just the thing. Unless one is passing by or is alerted personally, the only way they can know what is going on is through the reports.

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