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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Desiro_City

  • Birthday 12/25/2004

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Grimsby
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  1. Happy Birthday ?

    Merry Christmas ?

  2. Happy birthday @Desiro_City, I wish you all the best!



  3. Dang, It's been a while since I last played lol

    1. alk0holamsteuer


      its the right time now I guess ?

  4. 268. I mainly use them for a business experience and getting round the map easily. Shame if that is the case..
  5. I'm trying to hire some drivers via the recruitment agency but it keeps saying "Come back tomorrow!" It's been like this for days and I don't know what to do..
  6. Happy Birthdayyyy

    You are now 38 I believe?

    1. Alex KERNEL

      Alex KERNEL

      Thank you! Yea :) 

  7. Damn, It's 1st December. 2018 has gone way too quickly imo

    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Yup, time flies

  8. 1.33 time. Time to play that first before downgrading 

    1. FernandoCR [ESP]

      FernandoCR [ESP]

      Careful... If you play 1.33 and then downgrade to play MP, you can find that your profile is not compatible and need to load a pre-1.33 savegame.

  9. Hey, welcome to the forum :) 

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