Status Updates posted by Raxlot
So I was about to report someone, but since I did not have his TMP ID, I was not able to.
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You can check spawning logs to get TruckersMP ID of the perpetrator. In the video evidence you can get perpetrator's in-game ID and the tag along with the name. With that information you'll be able to find the player you're looking for.
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These logs are located in C:\Users\<Your Windows username>\Documents\ETS2MP\logs
If you're looking for ATSMP spawn logs, go to C:\Users\<Your Windows username>\Documents\ATSMP\logs instead.
When is the next big convoy? Example; Drive for hope etc.
you can find some here:
So i think i want to play ETS2 TRUCKERSMP again!
But i dont think i would play it for long, so can anyone convince me to play again?
Btw i havent played in a month haha
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Well we might have the Baltic DLC coming soon, great reason to get back to ETS!
@WarMaz @[LKW Tr.] Kap I bought ATS too now haha.
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Update 1.32
While we wait why cannot we just learn one thing, and that is...
Thank you for waiting for the update!