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Veteran Driver VII
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About Scottydude94

  • Birthday 11/16/1994

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  1. Happy Birthday! I wish you a pleasant game!

  2. Scottydude94

    Keybord bug

    I have a similar problem with my mouse, for some reason its just not reacting to my movements
  3. Yeah I'm having the same issue, I just drove in to discover it I get half way in and the game freezes for 10 - 20 seconds then crashes
  4. Certain members of the community are deliberately changing their truck design in order to crash others around them. I've reported them twice and caught them changing the look of their trucks coming out of the store then going back in to change it again, again crashing us again. Something needs to be done about this update. Look put an old version on the server, we don't care about going backwards, we just want a working mod that you know, doesn't crash would be a good idea.
  5. The reason for it is that even when you are not online the server time still ticks over so the countdown will still go down even when you are not online
  6. It seems to be something generic because me and a friend both crashed at the exact same time. In my log it has a massive error with DLC paintjobs not being able to find
  7. This would be good but you've got the problem of what happens when people act sensible during the test but then turn into nutters on the road once they are in game
  8. I think this would be a great idea. At the minute the majority of admins are parked up at Europort and the rest of europe seems to be bandit country where not alot gets regulated
  9. The admins have discussed that the developers are working on a fix but have no idea on an ETA yet
  10. Any idea on an ETA on when the fix will be implemented?
  11. Suggestion Name: Friend Deliveries Suggestion Description: When you're playing online with a friend add them to a team or something so that you have the same jobs to be delivered to the same place. Any example images: None Why should it be added: It will make friend convoys more fun as they'd be going to the same place on the same job
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