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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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  • Birthday 08/23/1996

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  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
  • Known languages
    Azeri, Turkish, English, Russian

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  1. Guest

    Good morning, how are you doing ? 👋🏼

    I wish you a happy birthday ! 🎂


    Have a nice day ! 😃

    See you soon ! 😉
    /:\ Octopi /:\ 🙋🏻‍♂️

  2. Thanks
  3. Can you login your TruckersMP account on application?
  4. I look your ban video. It is fair. You must wait the sign. Also you increase your speed when you approaching the circle. He entered circle firstly and you must wait him. If you play this game you must know a little about the signs.

    1. [ATL] VLAD (UA)

      [ATL] VLAD (UA)

      Dear LOCK-MAN,

      Thank you for your explanation, but everything has already been said both here and on appeal. I see no point in developing this thread here on the forum.

      // status locked

  5. Hello @Eestimees1122 I don't understand what are you talking about. Can you give some info about this? You talked about exe file i think you you speak about game application. You must log on your steam account. If this is not helpful for you. Just open new topic on HELP section..
  6. Başarılar
  7. Halaldı
  8. Çok yararlı bir konu. Ellerinize sağlık.
  9. Ellerine sağlık
  10. Thanks for following ! :tmp:

  11. Başarılar dilerim.
  12. @TiNERJi Bu linkden tüm sorun giderme çözümlerine baka bilirsiniz. Sorun hala devam ederse destek ekibine bildirmenizi öneririm. Teşekkürler.
  13. Merhaba @TiNERJi Euro Truck Simulator dosyalarını steamden doğrulamanızı tavsiye ederim. Steam>Kütüphane>Euro Truck Simulator 2>Özellikler>Yerel dosyalar>Oyun dosyalarının bütünlüğünü doğrula. Sorununuz hala devam ederse geri dönüş yaparsanız yardımcı olmaya çalışırım.
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