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Status Updates posted by BloatedHook302

  1. Is anyone getting a PM or inbox messages with @,ZUM ZUM, that is randomly going around on the forum, PM people with a video that he just hack in TMP?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EULas


      We are aware, just wait patientaly. And as said LaserX, just ignore him. 

    4. Dylаn


      Yeah I got one

  2. Hey guys, I'm alright with the last night tornado that hit the State Capital of Jefferson City, Missouri. No, I'm don't live in that area. I'm like 2 or 3 hours away from the State Capital. Just to let everyone know that I'm alright.

    1. JeffSFC


      The weather has been hell here in Oklahoma as well and the flooding looks to be taking a toll as well.

    2. BloatedHook302


      Oh wow, I hope you stay safe down there @JeffSFC! This weather season is crazy!

  3. Do not use a double trailer in those areas.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BloatedHook302


      Well, Mwl4 did say this in Development announcements.

      Double trailers are now allowed in entire europe, except middle europe (Calais - Hannover - Liege - Hamburg)

    3. BloatedHook302
  4.  Happy 4th of July everyone!

  5. Everyone please don't update ATS to the latest update ( It is not supported by MP yet. Downgrade will not work. :(

    1. A_Sweaty_Wombat


      I posted a status too. I messaged the developers in the hope they'll see it soon and update it for us. Hopefully it won't be long.

  6. Congratulations to @Pheonix_Twitch by becoming full Support! Good Luck! :)

    1. Aestrial


      Likewise, congratulations to @Pheonix_Twitch and @Camox for full support. 

    2. Chris I Camox
  7. Be careful on Steam guys. Lucky the link have been remove in Steam messenger. http://prntscr.com/cejowx

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Creatured


      and a lot still fall for it @F.Maynard

    3. BloatedHook302


      it a same like last year in January 2015 but similar link.

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