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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by KaitanFox

  1. Perhaps there not fully inatalled? When did you install them?
  2. I already know how to post screenshots but how do you get one to be your cover photo for your profile? All I see is upload image and I cant do that as the image file is too big, and there is no option as far as I can tell to put a image URL from a image hosting site. Any help will be appreciated!
  3. Another screenshot I took for my cover photo but can't upload it so ill see if I can figure it out...


  4. My screenshot I took for Truckers.MP's screenshot of the month!


    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      nice. Good luck to you :)

  5. My submission! I feel like a lot of others are better though! Good luck to everyone else! https://u.stuartd.co.uk/images/NzgzNjY5MWFkYzI.png
  6. That's really neat, nice work. And it could help those new players who are a little less experienced.
  7. Just spent about a minuet editing this image, not the best thing ever but it will do for a company cover photo!



  8. Euro Express Trucks :D


  9. I want to try to upload ETS 2 screenshots to my status but it keep s saying the file is over sized and I don't know how to fix it. Any help?
  10. I'm gonna start playing ETS2 more soon, i went off it for a bit and didn't play any single player ether, but I'm gonna start playing again soon. Plus i wanna be a bit more active on the forums too. :)

  11. I changed my email to my Gmail one and it didnt work so I tried to change it back but it says its already taken and no one else knows my email and its really annoying, any help?
  12. Right ok, that's a shame. Guess ill have to deal with it.
  13. Im tired of my account and my poor ban history and i want to change and start a new, is it possible to delete an account and start a new one?
  14. I know this sounds dumb at first but: DON'T GO THE SPEED LIMIT! As it will cause even more people wanting to overtake you causing crashes at you will probably have a giant tail back behind you of people overtaking and crashing into each other, because no one ever goes the speed limit.
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