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/!/ James Rooki

Veteran Driver II
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About /!/ James Rooki

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Behind my pc.......
  • Interests
    Gaming, Filming, Editing, Scripting. and trucking ofcourse :)
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Tucson
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Kiel
  • Known languages
    English, German, Dutch

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    driving for myself :)

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  1. -1 Think about this: with the new heavy haul DLC you: got a new strobe. That is already 2 to make it look nice, then you have the big lightbar on the roof. and then maybe 2 little beacons on the roofbar. With this lights it looking pretty nice! But when the auto-kick is comming it will be not good for some dlc owners!
  2. -1 from me, i think the queu is there to reduce the lag. Just be patient and wait till you can join or play on a other sever!
  3. After a lot of problems with my PC is the stream online!


  4. Thanks
  5. @Daniellus_PL In ets2
  6. Can anyone help me. When i drive in a DAF then i cant see how much KM i total drive. it is then unsharp. so can someone help me how to make it sharp, and then i can see how much KM i in total had been driven.. my setting are on super high. So let me know if you know how to fix and how i can see my total KM in a DAF
  7. -1 2 times EU2 , that doesnt sound good to me. the admins have enough work to do on EU2 so i think they dont like it......
  8. You can see on the GPS, if someone is comming just slow down..
  9. its working for me, i just did a restard! thnxs all!
  10. How you fixed it? did you just wait? let me know
  11. its so strange, im waiting on it for now like 10min that is strange, then i have no idea. im sorry
  12. try redownload from the site?
  13. im waiting so long, you got the same?
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