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Veteran Driver VII
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About Shenz

  • Birthday 04/09/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Plaistow, New Hampshire
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Phoenix
  • EU Garage Location
    Not set
  • Known languages

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  1. Happy birthday  🥳

  2. ATSMP Us down.  Want to play so bad :(

    Fix server plox!

    1. [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      @Shen you can still play on EU server :)

      it will be fixed soon no ETA 

  3. From what i seen when doing these jobs there's inaccurate information All of the external contracts are limited to 90kph / 55mph regardless if You are in Single player or here in MP its actually 104kph/65mph for the limit Shen
  4. Shenz


    Hey three @Aukselis, Please read this for the requirements to post a company here on the forums To create a company go here - ATS VTC If you need more info, just ask Shen
  5. Hey there @larryb144, Quick Question • Whats your Antivirus Program? • Most likely your Launcher might have been removed or blocked if your Using Norton in which case you need to do the following: ○download the Installer and then go to the folder where you downloaded it, Right-click and go to Properties and then Click Unblock ○Hit apply / ok and you should be all set • Make sure when you download the program from here you add the exception to allow it to bypass your firewall If you got any other questions or need more info post back
  6. @stangenberg hey there can you post some images using Lightshot or Gyazo and post them here so we can see what you see when you attempt to launch Thanks ~S
  7. @grizzbear' Hey man I know exactly what you gotta do as i use the same antivirus So download the Installer and then go to the folder where you downloaded it, Rightclick and go to Properties and then Click Unblock Hit apply / ok and you should be all set Shen
  8. Hey everyone, For American Truck Simulator Players if you like to post error data check here
  9. hi woody please add CelesteDragon via steam i will be able to assist from there
  10. hey there tho you cant do External Jobs atm you can still play using the 1.4.x temporary beta accessed by doing the following Open Steam Library > Right-click American Truck Simulator > Click Properties and go to Betas > Select Temporary Beta 1.4.x > Click OK and let it install This way you can play online til we get the 1.5 update
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