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Veteran Driver VI
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About [GER]-Indi

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  1. the Mack Anthem has the following sound problem, when driving forwards and backwards, it occasionally happens that the sound is played during engine start. the truck has no damage, so I rule out damage.
  2. Already annoying, 2 days ago you could still play wonderful and now nothing works. Wish me that one could reverse it. the main thing is that it works properly.
  3. ???
  4. I am always asked if I want to allow it. If I confirm it with ok, the selected simmulator opens, but only in the single player.
  5. When I start mp I can choose which simmulator I want to start. If I make a selection, no matter which is the game without query of the server selection in single player started. It appears before a steam window where I must agree the truckers mp may start the simmulator. I get no server selection since the new program displayed.
  6. Hi together, since the newest updater 1001 as well as 1002, I can no longer play online. If I start truckers mp and decide for ats or ets2, I get a steam message, the truckers mp. Exe tries to start the simmulator. I get no question whether I want to play directly with x or open gl, as well as no selection possibility on which server I would like to play. With the old truckers mp I had no problems. The games are both up to date. It makes no difference whether I start mp first or only steam and then mp. Both remain without success. Who knows a solution? Best regards wolfgang
  7. no error message
  8. Hi together, since the newest updater 1001 as well as 1002, I can no longer play online. If I start truckers mp and decide for ats or ets2, I get a steam message, the truckers mp. Exe tries to start the simmulator. I get no question whether I want to play directly with x or open gl, as well as no selection possibility on which server I would like to play. With the old truckers mp I had no problems. The games are both up to date. It makes no difference whether I start mp first or only steam and then mp. Both remain without success. Who knows a solution? Best regards wolfgang
  9. hi since the support not medelt on my ticket, I try it on this way. I ask my account completely clearing here. I bae in steam 2 anmede name and want to log on to my main steam account. This will only work under the premise that my complete data will be erased and I can sign in with my right data. mfg
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