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Veteran Driver V
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About Moppa5

  • Birthday 08/28/1998

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Different kind of games; especially simulation games. I like to play guitar and piano. I'm also into programming and computer related stuff.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Osnabrück
  • Known languages
    Finnish, English, Swedish (understandable)

TruckersMP Information

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  1. Hello all truckers! It's a new day for trucking and you may see me in EU #2 server. I'm driving car and there's photo down below attached. Not sure yet where I'm going to drive, but it's very likely that you can see me in Germany and in Scandinavia. Let's go!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KayyJayy:D


      @Moppa5Check out the suggestions page, there are many suggestions that have been rejected because it is not easy to implement them.

      You won't get banned for many lights on your truck, but you will get banned for having many beacons. (They cause lag)

    3. Moppa5


      Yes, I'm aware of the suggestion page and I know this idea might be difficult to implement and of course some things you just can't implement so far. 


      But as far as I know don't they have some kind of system that detects nowadays if the truck isn't at safe place? I know we were talking about banned players here, but still I'm wondering. 

    4. KayyJayy:D


      Yes, there are systems like this that exist.

      However, people maintaining TMP have their own lives to go about. They are taking their time off to maintain this mod, and they are doing it for free. 

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