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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by RogerDodger

  1. Thank you. That worked and I'm back on the road.
  2. Mod Version: Controllers Used: Logitech 920 Description of Issue: Every time I press the "Embark" to depart Gydnia for Karlskrona, ETS2MP freezes and I have to restart the MP. The error message states that ETS2MP has stopped working. How to reproduce: See above Screenshots / Videos None Disregard. It does it in single player too. Sorry.
  3. There is something about your in game tag that is against the rules. i.e. impersonating or implying to be admin or profanity. Just as was said, change it to something else then appeal it and all should be fine.
  4. I could't drive this but I logged on and took a short haul job headed the opposite way so I could see what it looked like. SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!
  5. Welcome to TMP. The only mods allowed are those that are approved by TMP. Other mods are not allowed. You can search the forum to find the thread which mentions which mods are allowed. In MP, all AI traffic is removed. All you see is other players. If you have offenses enabled, you will be fined for violating traffic rules. Most players disable violations. To me, they are a pain in the behind and a waste of time. "v" will key your microphone so you can talk through the CB. I'm sure others will chime in with more tips for you. This is a very helpful group.
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