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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by triton1407

  1. this is a huge mistake. if a child doesnt know how to drive he will crash anyway, regardless on how fast he drives. its a matter of fact that the most incidents are caused by laggers and people who have a common sense of monkey. if you want to punish people, punish those are willingly ramming other people. not those enjoy a little bit of speed and interaction with other people in form of overtaking. when driving alone, occasional overtakes are the only entertaining thing in online. if this is missing, people will either go back to single player where they have traffic or stop completely.
  2. triton1407

    Game freezes

    i also freeze for 5 seconds if i enter a high populated place. i can see my ram going up from ~4gb usage to nearly 6gb. after the ram "load up" the game runs again and the usage going back to ~4gb i filled up my ram with other programms to let the game crash for a log http://pastebin.com/XwAYaeX4 maybe it will help
  3. Mod Version: Version 0.1.1.r3 Controllers Used: xbox360 Description of Issue: it crashes after i press play in the lobby How to reproduce: sometimes it happends sometimes not Screenshots / Videos: None. i have no mods installed except the mp i read something about disabling the dlc. how do i do it? maybe it will solve the problem http://pastebin.com/XwAYaeX4 Thanks for reading.
  4. the problem isnt the lag itself. its the problem that it causes a crash. i cant connect into areas where are a lot of people, because the game immediately stops working and btw designate the problem helps the developer to get rid off it... edit http://pastebin.com/index/EFQbBNBb
  5. same here, i can turn down every setting but the lag doesnt go. my spec: cpu: xeon 1230v2 ram:2x4gb 1600mhz cl9 gpu: 270x 2gb oc drive: samsung 840 evo 500gb os:win7 64bit prof controler:xbox360
  6. agree, it should be up to you if you want to drive fast and risking going off the road, or driving with a limiter and save fuel. an idea would be that admins can set a limiter on people that goes constantly too fast and cause accidents. or an other suggestion. for every 10kmh going too fast you have to pay 1€/s. 20km/h=2€/s and so on its a great mod. and why shouldnt be even more great?
  7. hello, its important that people know that the traffic lights not working properly. so they will drive more carefully at crossings
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