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*CNDS*300-yang guang

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Everything posted by *CNDS*300-yang guang

  1. l really like the Renault E-Tech T electric car, but one drawback is that it cannot run long distances because it will run out of power halfway through the journey.
  2. The scenery in the American Truck Simulator is very beautiful.
  3. Its definitely not 1.3 stars. i would have rated it 5 based on how TMP staff works and how they manage it Laborious.
  4. What is needed now is patience, waiting for TruckersMP to update to 1.50
  5. It will take some time for TruckersMP to adapt to version 1.50
  6. After TruckersMP is adapted to version 1.50, players will become active again.
  7. Happy birthday, my good friend

  8. Congrats on your promotion!!

  9. Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator
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