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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by AmyLucia

  1. I wish that it is a simple process to add RJL's Scania R (or T) into MP with it's garage mods too... They are some beautiful trucks when done to a good standard x-)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AmyLucia


      Where can you find skins?

    3. Trucking Australia
    4. Trucking Australia

      Trucking Australia

      On the Steam Workshop I found that one

  2. Thought I'd update the Laptop to something more lively And my Phone, seeing as every one else is up to it
  3. Graphics and RAM shouldn't be an issue... This isn't an issue that has happened.. VER, before ... That is when O started getting this issue... I used to play MP for coming close to 12 hours at any given time, but since this update, It struggles to get more than 4 hours of gameplay from time to time. But if you Should know... I have an integrated Chipset @ 256mb Dedicated and annoyingly have 3gb of RAM, because my mother thought that was a good amount to have -.-
  4. DirectX = Up to date Video Card... Ha, you are funny man, This heap of dust wouldn't even support one MVC = I think that is now sorted, We shall find out later on Another Directory ... Implying I have more than one HDD/SSD
  5. Is there a way of seeing that I actually need this though? I don't want to download anything if I don't need to.
  6. Uhm Hey, Ever since this latest update, my computer has been getting the following: I do not get this error with SP, even after several consecutive hours... The only place I get this is in MP when playing for sustained periods of time. What is going on here?
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