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Veteran Driver
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Everything posted by itsbafko

  1. Fun event but the high latency makes it unplayable unfortunately.
  2. It's kinda funny because it should be a simulation. Most of the trucks have a sticker somewhere that says the highest operational speed is 90 (as it should be). Yet, the simulation still feels like Nedd for Speed. Also I find it funny that most people are doing 50 in the featured zone but as soon as they get onto the C-D road they vroooom 110 in a 60...
  3. itsbafko

    Game moderator

    NGL I would look like a total moron if I said that in front of my friends. I like the geek side of my life to be private.
  4. Thanks for the info. Blog post says 12:00 UTC so I was confused
  5. Can't seem to find the cargo. Is the event live?
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