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Bed Bound Jazzyduster

Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Bed Bound Jazzyduster

  1. ok it's thee beginning of September and no word on the laumcher i think the updates should show on it every week you would get more players on its a pain in the butt to downgrade after downgrade im not going to downgrade everytime steam does updates
  2. thanks for letting us know please in the future post everything at lease a day after letting us know that your working on it not just wait and tell us later down the road++++++++++++++++++++++++
  3. Why is it taking 2 weeks to fix the ATS server you all used to be real fast on a update It shouldn't take this long for a small update fix for the 1.36
  4. this person should be ban perm

    1. Lukavsky TMP

      Lukavsky TMP


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