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[EG] Elten [GER]

Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by [EG] Elten [GER]

  1. Thank you for the follow! ❤️

  2. Hallo @Primeee, Das könnte möglicherweise an dem neuen visuellen Belichtungssystem liegen. Du könntest mal versuchen deine Grafikeinstellungen umzustellen, ansonsten gibt es hier noch andere Beiträge, die dir weiterhelfen könnten.
  3. Hello fabioselau, these articles might help you: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/788 https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/8
  4. Hallo @[GER][REC]Ost-Deutscher, Du musst die ZIP-Dateien entpacken, sodass es im Endeffekt so aussieht:
  5. Problem: Bad physics in the game. You tip over despite the speed limit. I've been knockedover five times today for physics. Even if you go through a bend at 50, I'll tip over.
  6. Hello, there, I wanted to ask which mods you can use in multiplayer mode.
  7. Hallo, Wie bekomme ich im TMP-Forum den ,,Veteran Driver'' Rang. LG Elten
  8. Hallo, Es könnte sein, dass er gekickt wurde. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Elten
  9. Suggestion Name: Roleplay Server Suggestion Description:A TruckersMP roleplaying game server where you act like in real life e. g. a rescue lane, etc. Besides, AI should drive around like a single player. Any example images: None Why should it be added?: It should be added because some players want to drive like in real life.
  10. Suggestion Name: buy your own caravan Suggestion Description: My idea is that you can buy your own caravan trailer. Any example images: None Why should it be added?: It should be added because it is annoying to always look for a caravan order and it wouldalso be great if you could own your own.
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