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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by HeyItsIlic

  1. Congratulations!

  2. Happy Birthday!

    1. L-DR@GO


      Thanks a lot 🙏

  3. Thank you for the update, looks good!
  4. Congratulations!

  5. It's the VTC colors for me - I really like the immersion a VTC adds with its tracker and the community that comes with it!
  6. Thanks for the follow mate, appreciated!

  7. Hi there, Try unloading any active mods that might have been changed/updated during the version downgrade and let me know if that worked for you.
  8. Hello, feel free to close this post, I appreciate every answer, thanks so much.
  9. Another question, if my goal is to achieve 25+ drivers in my vtc, do I really need to invest money in it? If yes, on what specifically? Many thanks although.
  10. So, I'm already familiar with everything about the making process but the main question is, how do I get members to join in my vtc with just me inside? How do I advertise? I know for the VTC Advertisement section but in most cases it gains no result. Any help to this? I'm already in a vtc but, it's just for my personal information.
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