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Feedback ignored since weeks



Hello dear TruckersMP Community,


I got an undeserved ban and the ban appeal I've created got closed because the Game Moderator did not handle it right. So I've created a feedback https://truckersmp.com/feedback/view/22338

But it got ignored by weeks, that's frustrating as I would like to participate into the truck race and apply to the Support. Also I can't create a new one. I hope this post will be handled by the Game Moderators correctly.


Best regards,




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Well, first of all, post about this sort of stuff here on the forums doesn't get anything solved. Secondly, I can assure you that your feedback ticket has not been ignored. It will be answered by one of the folks in charge of that sometime soon. However, you do need to bear in mind that feedback tickets do sometimes take a while to get answered. This is a community that has over 2 million users and a large portion of those users send feedback tickets almost on a daily basis so it is only normal that sometimes it may take some time for upper staff to manage to go through it all. Besides, they work on a "first in-first out" manner. That is: Older tickets are answered first. So really, it's not that yours have been ignored. Not at all. There's just other tickets ahead of yours. To illustrate it, it's like being in a traffic jam to get onto a ferry at the port. Only those at the front of the jam, which are the ones who arrived there first, will manage to get into the ferry first. Those who just arrived there will be at the end of the jam and thus, will need to wait sometime until it is their turn in line to board the ferry. I understand your frustration, but just be patient, my friend. Your turn will come, soon. ;) 

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Some people should really get a license before even thinking about buying Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator. Drive safely, folks!



< < < Don't bet on sinking ships because they'll turn your chips to trash! > > >

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Hello there,


I am glad to hear that from you! I am also thankful because you are helping us to keep up our forum always tidy.


Thank you all for participating! 


Do not hesitate to contact us again if you'll need further help! 


Have a lovely day! 


//Locked and Moved to Solved

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