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Suggestion: add specification to a subject affecting few TMP ATS-US I-G rules...


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Hi everyone...

First of all, this post is in the ONLY purpose to make driving on TMP ATS-US easier et more fun... Clearer rules=less confusion=less conflicts...


I'd like to bring something about a subject that affects a few rules...

The infamous "What you do towards the other drivers"...

This is about how easily these rules are used to report-2-ban drivers:, as they are too large, not enough 



§2.3 - Blocking*

Restricting a user's travel path, blocking entrances to highways or other entry points or anything similar.

§2.5 - Inappropriate / Reckless Driving*

Driving in such a way that is considered unsafe, driving backwards, the wrong way, failing to yield, racing other users (except for the Arizona race track), ignoring other players and rules. Driving outside of the map boundaries. This includes spots inaccessible by normal driving. Attempting to use desync in order to cause damage to another users vehicle is forbidden.



These rules are over-used to get other drivers banned for wrong reasons...


Those rules should be more details, to be close to any decent "real life" driving behavior(related to the only rules I know, in canada)


FIRST these 2 Forum posts should be ALWAYS be a reference for all drivers... I suspect many never read it... Should be VERY visible in the rules...

Tips and Rulles for SAFE DRIVING


  • If you follow an other truck:
  1. DON'T "kiss his back-end"...
  2. Try to contact him on CB to inform him where you are... if it's not working, then act accordingly: take your distances from him...
  3. YOU are responsible to avoid collisions, YOU are responsible of stay clear of the driver in front of you...
  4. DON'T go on the right(inside corner) side of a truck that's turning to the right...
  5. It's VERY likely that he doesn't see you or look at where you are...
  6. CONSIDER the other one doesn't look especially for you...


  • You must Drive for the others, be polite... BE PATIENT...
  1. Make yourself visible...
  2. If a truck is slow, he might be pulling an heavy load... Don't be wreckless, he might already be trying to find a way to let you pass...
  3. Don't overtake a truck from his right(trucks should drive in the right lane) unless it's clear that's what he wants... Give him time to move there THEN overtake him on his left...


Truckers: Learn from my bad recent expericence...

1. If you're slow, activate(and make sure they are) you Hazzards and/or beacons(depends on TMP's policy, It's not that clear)

  • If you are slow, you have to go in the right lane(if there is one)...

2. Please, if you're not sure of how you should act in a situation, ask for advices to others...


I've taken a ban for blocking, in a "No-win/gray-zone" situation...

My mistakes:

  • I didn't check if my right flasher neither my hazzard(once I made the corner)... the other guy, speaking spanish only, couldn't know what were my intentions...
  • I delayed my move to the right lane...
  • Few other reasons, due to the "No-Win" situation...


Best regards.

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I like the idea of this however all I see this doing is allowing some people to bend or slip past the rules by saying that what they did wasn't covered by a specific rule, this also would add to the work of Game Moderators by making them have to decide which specific rule the person was breaking whereas with the current system it is quite broad but people understand them, rather than complicating and adding more rules.

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1 hour ago, Gnl_Hugh122 said:

I like the idea of this however all I see this doing is allowing some people to bend or slip past the rules by saying that what they did wasn't covered by a specific rule, this also would add to the work of Game Moderators by making them have to decide which specific rule the person was breaking whereas with the current system it is quite broad but people understand them, rather than complicating and adding more rules.


The Blocking rule is abused of... too broad allows miss-interpretation... 

I got banned because someone following me VERY close reported me and the moderator didn't consider that I didn't see this guy and couldn't estimate his distance from me, as I drive in-cabin... (he admited that he didn't)... And more-over, the moderator didn't notice that the guy reporting me was licking my truck's back-end(rage-driving) while I was pulling a big load...


Only one simple thing could simplify the application of this rule: Driving as you would IRL...

1 phrase, meaning that if you report someone for blocking you, but you are the one who didn't drive respectfully first you are the wrong one...


2 very important rules should be then added:

Any wrong/incomplete report(malicious intent), you get banned yourself(long period) for abusing the the rules...

No rage-driving tolerated...


I won't get caught for situations like this from now on, I'll record(with audio) every time I'm on TMP...

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Dear Addict2SimsQc,

I'm moving your topic to the Archive section because your topic inactive for 2 weeks(14 days). Because every day a lot of new topics are opening up and now the community wants to discuss a new discussion, so we archive the topic that are inactive for 2 weeks(14 days). We apply these procedures to keep the forum meticulously and actively in this way.

If you have any question, don't be afraid to PM me :=)

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