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7 answers to this question

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Why exactly can't you run it? Does it crash? Does nothing happen?

More informations on why exactly you aren't able to run it would be useful.


Thanks in advance and best regards



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As others have pointed out you need to supply everyone with more information first if you require help.


Have you tried playing different radio stations or just one?


If you have only tried one the issue itself may lay with the radio station instead of the game as some stations don't work depending on where you're located. Please try several different stations from different nations and see how that works.

That's what desire is, the need for what we can't have.

The need for what's readily available is called greed.

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Hello There!


Your topic has been inactive for 3 days since the last reply. Because of inactivity, i will have to move  this topic to Inactive Topics.
If you still have any questions about this ,feel free to DM me or our support team members, we  will open this again.^_^

Thanks for all participation!;)

Thank you for your understanding!


//Locked and Moved to Inactive




TruckersMP Support


Kind Regards,

TruckersMP Game Moderator


The best way to predict your future is to create it.



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As this topic has been inactive for a further 2 days, I will now be moving it to unsolved. Don't hesitate to create a new topic in the future if you need any further help or contact the Support team directly - https://truckersmp.com/support/

//locked + moved to unsolved

Kind regards,



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remember we were staring up to those peaks on the horizon +x


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