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Username Question



Hey just a quick one


I know that certain characters aren't able to be used in usernames within TMP and if used they come up with a "?" in game and also some don't let you login into the forums? (if you log out after changing)


Just wanted to ask if there's maybe a list of symbols that can be used in game and are recognized within TruckersMP.


Thanks to anyone who helps :)

Kind regards,


TruckersMP Senior Support Manager


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remember we were staring up to those peaks on the horizon +x


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4 answers to this question

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Dear @[VIVA] Ali the forum only supports ASCII-letters, which is basically the normal alphabetical letters from a-z in small and capital letters, numbers from 0-9 and a very limited selection of special characters, like brackets, question marks etc. You can find all ASCII-letters here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII.


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