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Hello my problem is when i done job good, it says late and when i go to next job there's no jobs... I think it's because ghost mode but i do nothing wrong i never esc game, never pause it and still says LATE... (i never start job on offline too, always on online and still there's a problem) One time late and i should create new profile because i can't play anymore.. i created over 10 accounts and and still says late, then no job. And ghost mode turn on automatically without esc game or etc...


here's pic 


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please your economy reset

try steps bellow:

a)You should try to rescue to service F7 + Enter (this sometimes resets your economy)

b)You should try to sleep (only a temporary fix, but is not guaranteed to fix economy)

c)You should teleport to another garage

d)Economy reset. This solution will reset and repopulate your jobs list / freight market and return you to your home garage.

Below there are two examples of how to do it:

1. Go to My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\profiles and find your profile - if you only have one profile it'll be the only one, otherwise you'll have to work out which one you want.
2. Open the config.cfg in the profile folder in your text editor of choice (e.g. notepad).
3. Look for the line uset g_force_economy_reset "0" - change the 0 to a 1 and save the file.
4. Now start ETS2MP and load your profile. You should receive a message saying "Game change detected", etc. Your economy will now have been reset.
5. Lastly, exit again and change that 1 back to a 0 in your config.cfg, otherwise it'll reset every time you start the game.
If it did not work, follow the steps below:
1.step-) Go to My Documents\Eurotruck Simulator 2\profiles and find your profile
2.step-) Open the config.cfg in the profile folder and open with Notepad/wordpad
3.step-) Look for uset g_developer "0"
4.step-) Look for uset g_console "0"
5.step-) Change the "0" to a "1"
6.step-) Save the file (NOT save as)
7.step-) Load your game and profile
8.step-) Press ` key
9.step-) Type in "uset g_force_economy_reset "1"
10.step-) Save your game and exit
11.step-) Reload the game and your recent saved profile
12.step-) Open the console by pressing the ` key and pressing the up arrow
13.step-) Repeat step 9 but change the "1" to a "0"
14.step-) Repeat Step 11, 12 & 13
15.step-) You should now get the "Game change detected" message
end step-)Your economy should now be reset

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Good evening @Nedqlkoww ;]], this error about: to disappear the labor market loads and also the late loads, are common mistakes in TruckersMP.

Recommendations and explanations about your problem:


  1. With regard to delayed loads at the time of delivery at the destination, it happens, because if you started loading on the offline and continued work in multiplayer (or any similar situation) will happen the same problem. Always start and finish a job in multiplayer or you can try for World Of Trucks (I do not use this system of loads, but I recommend you try, it seems to be more secure in relation to these errors)
  2. If you have no load on the job market and are in multiplayer, just go to a workshop, hotel, garage or any other place you sleep. After you arrive at this location and you are parked where it appears if you want to sleep or not, you hit enter to sleep and then check your labor market if there was any load or not. You can also try using World Of Trucks (speed limited to 90km/h) or use load synchronizers other than WOT, like the topic below.

Topic about load syncing:


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