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Game Moderator bug





When I logged into the game I've got a message on chat that I'm a Game Moderator when I'm not one. I just got it randomly.

I'm afraid if someone gets it too, they will start kicking and banning everyone.


Screenshot : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1348857717


If this topic is somewhere else on forums and I'm making double topic then sorry! I couldn't find close topics related to this on forum so I created one.

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Moved from Bugs to the Help-section


Dear @TheNeiron , this isn't a bug but instead this is part of this year's April Fools jokes in TMP.  Don't worry as you won't be able to access any of the Game Moderator features anyway, so you won't be able to kick or ban other players from the servers. Please let us know if your question was answered sufficiently or if you need any further information.



  • Haha 1


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